Beatitudes Community

Safety Update – April Wrap Up

The Campus - streak continues!  As of the writing of this post, there have been zero employee accidents for the last 137 days – that is awesome!  We had two aid only claims and those employees are healing nicely and did not need outside , so they were not required to be reported to the workers' compensation carrier.

If you see a hazard or have a concern about something potentially unsafe in your area, the Campus Safety wants to know!  Pick up a Near Miss form located on the Safety Bulletin Boards near each time clock area and turn it in to the HR office.

Keep up the great work, Team Think Safety, Work Safely.  You rock!


Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging for over 50 years.

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