Beatitudes Community


Rev. Mae Hicks, resident, Beatitudes Campus

By Rev. Mae Hicks,

Mandalas, what are they? The word Mandala means circle. A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. The Mandala appears to us in all aspects of life – the earth, the , the moon and more obviously, the circles of life which include friends, family, and communities. Mandalas are circular designs reflecting that life is never ending.  The Hindus were one of the first people to use a Mandala as a spiritual tool.   The Buddhists followed with their creations of Mandalas which sometimes would be shaped in sand. Mandalas are used for meditation purposes allowing the person meditating to become one with God.   Creating a Mandala by coloring or drawing can have significant meaning, no matter one's religious or spiritual beliefs.    You can symbolize your journey or bring to a troubled soul by using the art of coloring or drawing a Mandala.  Let the Mandala absorb all your attention.    Relax, let thoughts and come to you as your hands are coloring the Mandala.

I have used the art of coloring for my meditation and have found for me.   As I think of our community here at the Beatitudes, I believe it would be good to have a time for prayer and meditation where we gather together in silence and with music for reflection as we do Mandalas and let God speak to us. Beginning Friday, 1st at 9:00AM in Boardroom West, I invite you to join me to learn more about Mandalas and to begin to enjoy coloring and creating in a time of meditation, reflection, and friendship.  We will meet every Friday at 9 AM for an hour.  Materials will be provided for the first session and then information about where to purchase your own coloring book. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me, Rev. Mae Hicks (x5047) or Chaplain Peggy (x6109).


Photo from Drepung Gomang Monastery, courtesy National Geographic

Author Info: Peggy Roberts Verified Senior Staff
Chaplain Peggy Roberts is Vice President of the Spiritual Life Department here at Beatitudes. Peggy was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has served in pastoral ministry as well as being a hospice chaplain.

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