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Are You Who You Want To Be

Have you ever asked yourself, what makes me who I am and what makes me the way I am?  Have you wondered why you think the way you do or act the way you act, good or bad?

Jim Rohn says “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. 

Now whether you believe this or not, no one can dispute that who you are is a compilation of the people you surround yourself with and the ones that are closest to you.  I know that others around me determine how I think, how I act, and ultimately how successful I will be in my personal and my work .  It doesn't matter how smart you are. It doesn't matter how talented you are, which skills you have, where you are born, or which family you came from. All that matters if you want to truly define who you are in life is the people you surround yourself with.  It's a notion so simple, yet so difficult to get started with.

So let's all ask ourselves, Are we who we want to be?  Are we as successful as we want to be? Are we as positive, happy, enthusiastic or optimistic as we want to be?  Do we believe in ourselves?  Do we have fear?  If the answer is no to any of these questions then we need to ask ourselves, Why?

We can say that it is because of life circumstances, the hand we were dealt, the way life is, the way we were raised, financial insecurity, personal insecurity, etc.  I suggest that we take a look at the people we surround ourselves with the most and ask, do they build our self-esteem, hold us accountable, support our dreams and , and are they happy, positive, optimistic and enthusiastic?  Can they help us to grow into the person we want to be?

If the people we have surrounded ourselves with don't bring us what it is we need, to be the person we want to be, then we need to surround ourselves with different people.  I am not suggesting that anyone throw all of their family and friends, just that you make your closest friends and allies the ones that will help you the most, in a transformation that helps you to improve in your personal and work lives.  Look around and see, who are the ones in your family and in your work that are successful and happy, the ones you would like to emulate.   You need to befriend these people and open yourself up to them, let them know what you admire about them and ask them to help you to grow in those areas.  Successful people want to be mentors and look for the opportunity to assist others with personal growth.  Give them that chance.  Now's the time to make for yourself and to become the person you want to be and that others want to be like.  Start Today!

Some & excerpts from “Success & The People You Spend Time With” an article by Leo Widrich

Author Info: Mitch Bradshaw
Mitch Bradshaw is the Plant Operations Director at Beatitudes Campus.

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