Beatitudes Community

November All Staff Recap

Thanks to everyone who came to the All Staff on the 10th. We had a great turn out with over 80 people packed in the the Age Link Great Room. We played some awesome turkey bowling granny style, throwing the ball backwards between our legs and lots of you walked away with from that. We heard about our new referral so if you know of anyone looking for a place to move to, point them here and you could earn lots of cash. We raffled off four $50 Butterball Turkey Gift Certificates and the were Tiffany Hill, Ashley Hernandez, Christina Venegas, and Marvin Kidd. Enisa Delic won an Einstein's Gift Card. Suzanne Aboud won a Baskin Robbins Gift Card. Colin Miller won a Griffin loot bag. Destinnee and Steve Carreon won a pack of awesome self tying balloons and a metal coffee cup. We also heard a little bit about our next 5 year plan that will be rolling out soon.

We you had a blast and we'll see you all at our Appreciation on December 2nd!

Author Info: Cheryl Knupp
Cheryl Knupp is the Senior VP of Health Services here at Beatitudes Campus. Learn more about Beatitudes

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