Beatitudes Community

Going Places

One of the toughest decisions that older adults make is to give up driving. Cars mean independence. However, younger generations are finding they may not be so eager to buy a car. There may be economic reasons for this, but there are also new technological developments that let people of all ages get where they want to go without the full cost of owning a car.

New technologies are upending traditional taxis and rental car services. Both Uber and Lyft are strong presences in the new ride sharing world, and downloading their apps on your smartphone will allow you to set up an account that makes easy to get from here to there. But smartphones themselves present obstacles for many people: they don't feel they need one and don't feel like using one. They can be expensive. Services such as GoGoGrandparent, which partners with both Uber and Lyft drivers, specialize in the needs of older adults. With GoGoGrandparent you can set up an account and use your flip phone to summon a driver. GoGo acts as an intermediary with these driving services, so you connect with your ride by making a phone call.

They can accommodate and wheelchairs, as long as you can self-transfer. When you set up your account just let them know your needs.

At make sure they know you want to be picked up at the front of the Administration Building (they should enter the Campus off Glendale Avenue).

You need a credit card to set up your account, and they will bill you. No cash!

They aren't perfect: one resident could not get through to them to request a ride back from the airport. I called and spoke with them and they assured me this was rare. If that happens, keep calling until you get through. Other residents using the service have been satisfied.

Drivers are background checked. GoGo operators also supervise drivers to make sure every ride completes successfully.

You can bring friends with you at no extra cost: up to four people can ride together.

If you would like to give GoGoGrandparent a try, or if you have about it or about Uber, Lyft, Dial-A-Ride, RideChoice or other transportation options, please let me know. I'd be glad to give you more information on how they operate and help you set up an account. To learn more about GoGoGrandparent, attend the 10:00AM presentation in the Agelink Great Room on Monday, May 22nd. If you do not have a flip phone but would like to buy one, I can help you find one that is reasonably priced and user-friendly. Please give Josephine a call at x16117.

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the of Beatitudes Campus is the of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of services for over 50 years.

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