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Lifting Safety Tips

Most work-related back injuries are strains or sprains caused by improper lifting or carrying of loads. By how to lift and transport a load, workers can reduce most back injuries.

To utilize proper lifting mechanics first, assess the load to see if you will need help. Also, slide loads when possible. Where sturdy boots or shoes with nonslip soles. Get a firm footing, then part your feet and put one foot slightly in front of the other. Keep the load close to the body and directly in front of you. Keep you back as straight as possible. Bend at the knees and lift with the legs when possible. Get a good grip on the object. Use handles when possible and make sure gloves fit properly. Avoid lifting loads higher than chest high. Don't toss objects weighing more than five pounds. Lift in a smooth, controlled manner. Don't jerk the load or twist your body. If possible use mechanical lifting devices like forklifts, loaders and overhead cranes. Or try to use manual lifting aids, such as dollies or trucks. Always know when to ask for help. If you suspect a load weights 50 pounds or more, do not lift alone. Avoid prolonged periods of lifting.

There are several hazards to lifting if you do not follow proper lifting mechanics. Back injuries from lifting heavy or bulky objects is common. Also, strains and sprains from improper lifting or from carrying loads that are too large or too heavy. Less common hazards include being stuck by materials or caught in pinch points. Also cuts due to cutting ties incorrectly.

Always put your first. If a load seems to heavy or awkward to carry, ask for help and avoid doing it by yourself. Getting help is better than being out of work because of a back injury due to improper lifting mechanics.

Author Info: Cheryl Knupp
Cheryl Knupp is the Senior VP of here at . Learn more about Beatitudes

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