Beatitudes Community

Drugs At Work

When a co-worker seems to be abusing drugs or alcohol, ignoring or avoiding the issue will not help the situation. Diagnosis of an alcohol or other drug problem is not the job of a supervisor or 7200-7201img_47colleague. However, being alert to changes in an employee's is a core component of everyone's job. Some are common among alcohol and drug abusers but not always indicative of a problem. These include:


  • inconsistent quality
  • poor concentration
  • lowered productivity
  • increased absenteeism
  • careless mistakes
  • errors in judgment
  • needless risk taking
  • disregard for safety
  • unexplained disappearances from the job site
  • extended lunch periods and early departures


  • frequent financial problems
  • avoidance of friends and colleagues
  • complaints about problems at home
  • deterioration in personal appearance or health
  • blaming others for problems and shortcomings
  • complaints and excuses of vaguely defined illnesses

Working with the Occupational Safety & Health Administrations (OSHA) we follow five components that they have deemed necessary for an effective drug-free workplace. We created and implemented a drug-free workplace policy. We train our supervisors to watch for signs. We provide employee and awareness. We have employee assistance programs through our Life Department as well as some contracted agencies. And finally we drug test before employment, post-injury, and any time there is reasonable cause or suspicion.

Did you know 10-20% of the nation's workers who die on the job test positive for alcohol or other drugs, according to OSHA. Industries with the highest rates of drug use are the same as those at a high risk for occupational injuries, such as construction, mining, manufacturing and wholesale. Comprehensive drug-free workforce programs are recommended within workplace environments involving safety-sensitive duties like operating machinery. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers information and guidance for employers on workplace drug-testing issues. Access the information at

For more information you can always stop by the HR Department or go to

Author Info: Cheryl Knupp
Cheryl Knupp is the Senior VP of Health Services here at Beatitudes Campus. Learn more about Beatitudes

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