Beatitudes Community

Living into the Fullness of Creation

Creativity, seen or unseen, is a natural part of the human condition. To not be creative is to not live into the fullness of who we are created to be. Throughout our Campus , there are as many forms of creativity at work as there are people. We create , conversations, new lives, homes, , as well as works of prose, , music or crafts. In other words, this Campus is as much a venue for creativity as the Symphony Hall downtown.

Creativity is also often connected to personal cost. Many authors, writers, artists and produce their most inspired work during difficult times.

There seems to be a profound connection between brokenness and openness in music, art and literature. Perhaps is in the ‘telling of the tale' that can begin to penetrate the darkness of strain and suffering. As Leonard Cohen sang: “There is a crack… in everything. That's how the light gets in.”

In the gospels, when Mary of Bethany came to Jesus to anoint him with costly perfume, its sweet fragrance could only be released when the alabaster jar was broken. Creativity very often happens, not in spite of – but because of – brokenness. It is in going through the difficult challenges life inevitably throws at us that increases our potential for growth in our relationships and pursuits. A broken heart can become an opened heart.

As a Christian, I believe we are made in the image and likeness of God, and with that I believe  we have the ability and vocation to be co-creators with God.

Living into our creative abilities isn't all about painting, writing or sculpting, especially when we do so with an open and enquiring heart. Eckhart Tolle reminded us that we all have the power to create something far more beautiful; “the power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment. You create a good future by creating a good present”. May we all celebrate the many unseen and unsung acts of creativity, beauty and that quietly take place here in our community each and every day.*

Author Info: Andrew Moore
Chaplain Andrew is the Associate Chaplain here at the Campus. Before relocating to Arizona in 2014, Andrew lived and studied in the United Kingdom. Andrew was ordained in the Anglican Church and has worked in a variety of parishes.

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