Beatitudes Community

Moving Offices

In a letter written in 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote that “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Franklin popularized that idiom, which has oft been used ever since, but recently I have been aware of another inescapable aspect of life – moving house. Some of us have moved internationally. Perhaps others have been deployed at a moments notice to a place hitherto unknown. Some will have lived in places for many years, others have moved around more frequently. Whatever our individual experiences, we all know something of the experience of packing up, sorting out, moving boxes filled with our treasures; and then doing it all again in reverse. In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes… and moving. All of the moves that I have made have been times of excitement amidst change, and that is certainly true of this latest one, which has been taking place this .

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that there have been some changes in where you can now find the members of the Department.

Chaplain Peggy has moved into her new office on the ground floor of (), Chaplain Andrew will be moving from his current office (next to the Life Center) into Peggy's old office (just East of the Boardrooms), and Kimberly (our Spiritual Life Department Administrative Assistant) will be moving into Andrew's old office. Following the feedback which we have heard from residents, desiring a space for quiet contemplation and prayer, Kimberly's office will become our new Meditation Space. Our telephone numbers and extensions will be remaining the same. We are all excited about these moves, and particularly about having a more permanent presence among our Assisted Living residents and .

We look forward to continuing to serve you in whatever ways we can from our new locations, as well as seeing familiar and new faces at our doors. Come and visit us!*

Author Info: Andrew Moore
Chaplain Andrew is the Associate Chaplain here at the Campus. Before relocating to Arizona in 2014, Andrew lived and studied in the United Kingdom. Andrew was ordained in the Anglican Church and has worked in a of parishes.

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