Beatitudes Community


DID YOU HEAR: New Hearing Loop System and the of Addressing Hearing Loss

Many of you may have noticed the signs in recent days announcing that a new audio induction loop system has been installed in the Life Center. An audio induction hearing loop is a unique type of sound system for use with hearing aids that provides greater sound quality when to presentations. Most newer hearing aids are embedded with a telecoil receiver setting that can be used with this type of sound system to enhance sound quality, but directions for turning this setting on and off vary greatly by type of hearing aid. Due to the wide variety of hearing aids on the market, you will need to contact your audiologist to learn whether your hearing aids are enabled with this telecoil setting and how to turn it on and off. If you use hearing aids, this is the perfect time to give your audiology provider a call to utilize this new system in the Life Center.

On the subject of hearing, it seems timely to address the importance of hearing in maintaining quality of life at any age. The World Organization (2014) states that untreated hearing loss can have a debilitating impact on multiple facets of an individual's quality of life. For example, research has shown that individuals with unaddressed hearing loss are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, trouble concentrating, decline in cognition, decreased self-esteem, and feelings of isolation (World Health Organization, 2014).

Additionally, a 2012 study by Johns Hopkins University indicated that unaddressed hearing loss was correlated with three times the risk of among adults. The good news is that by addressing hearing with your healthcare providers, whether you have new concerns, or it is just time for a checkup, you are taking a step with the potential to transform your well-being and social participation for the better. Along with using hearing aids when needed, it is important to advocate for yourself in social situations and utilize hearing protection when exposed to loud noises. Although age related hearing loss is common, there are steps we can take to minimize the impact of hearing loss on quality of life.  We hope you will consider exploring hearing aids for a variety of health and wellness reasons if you have trouble hearing. And if you already have them, talk to your hearing aid provider or audiologist to learn how to take advantage of the hearing loop technology in the Life Center.

[Editor's Note…]

The loop system at Beatitudes Campus has been a longterm project brainstormed within the Communications Committee for many years. We are highly for all previous work done by this committee to make this a reality today.

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of services for over 50 years.

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