Beatitudes Community

A Happy and a Holy Lent

Happy Lent!

Join us for some delicious pancakes on Tuesday 5th, 8-10AM, in the Life Center as we keep the old custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before the beginning of the Lenten fast. Ash Wednesday follows on March 6th. Ash Wednesday has, for centuries, been a day for Christians to have our foreheads marked with ashes as an acknowledgement of our , and to reflect in penitence for our mistakes. Residents and staff are to receive the imposition of ashes and spend some time in prayer and contemplation in the Life Center, 8:00AM-12:00PM, or at the regular Rosary gathering held at 10:00PM in the Lounge. During the forty days (excluding Sundays) which follow Ash Wednesday, we journey together through the season of Lent. The intention of this portion of the year is for us all to make a conscious effort to focus on turning our hearts and minds back towards God. Sometimes people do this by practicing a little self-denial and self-discipline, perhaps by giving up a favorite food or treat as a reminder to focus instead on our spiritual nourishment.  A favorite story of ours is how my brother (aged around 6 at the time) was asked by the priest following church what he was giving up for Lent. Without hesitation he replied, “school”. A good attempt, but not quite in with the intended goal of opening the doors of our hearts a little wider to the deep riches of faith.

Last year, Pope Francis offered a list of ways which we can fast, and by doing so grow deeper into our relationship with God and each other. 1. Fast from hurting words and say kind words. 2. Fast from sadness and be filled with . 3. Fast from and be filled with patience. 4. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. 5. Fast from worries and trust in God. 6. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity. 7. Fast from pressures and be prayerful. 8. Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy. 9. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others. 10. Fast from grudges and be reconciled. 11.Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.

Ultimately, for Christians the penitence and fasting of Lent should be a preparation for the celebration and joy of Easter. Fasting is not about misery, self-punishment and joylessness. The fasting goals of Pope Francis make that clear to us all. However it is only possible to truly rejoice in the feast, when we have truly experienced the fast. And so, I wish you not only a happy Lent, but a holy Lent also.

Author Info: Andrew Moore
Chaplain Andrew is the Associate Chaplain here at the Campus. Before relocating to Arizona in 2014, Andrew lived and studied in the United Kingdom. Andrew was ordained in the Anglican Church and has worked in a variety of parishes.

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