Beatitudes Community

Celebrate Spring with a Garden Party!

To welcome Spring we invite you to attend the Second Annual Spring Garden Party to be held Saturday, March 4, 9:00am – noon. Come celebrate with us! Shop Backstreet Boutique and the Beatitudes Gift Shop on the Garden Terrace who will be featuring plants and garden related items to spruce up your balconies and patios. The Creative Corner crafters will be on hand as well with handmade crafts and beautiful quilts. The Community Gardeners will be there to plant spring crops and share their fall harvest. New this year will be an opportunity for you to taste and learn to prepare some of the produce we grow. Live music and plenty of food provided by Life Enrichment will add to the festivities. Don’t miss out on the Garden Party Raffle offering a variety of prizes including a Garden Wine Basket and admission tickets to the Desert Botanical Garden.

This is the perfect opportunity to check out future plans for the garden. Our members have been busy this year laying the groundwork to make the garden more accessible to our residents. We have been collaborating with Dig It Design, a local business, to create a space featuring a wheelchair-accessible path that leads one through the garden and allows access to a variety of garden beds. Some garden beds will be wheelchair-accessible, some will be elevated for those who use walkers, and some will be 18” deep with a built-in edge for seating that enables our gardeners to get up and down much easier. There will be multiple access ramps to the garden and space to maneuver safely within.

We are currently in the design phase of the project. The design team from Dig It Design has been out several times to survey the area and listen to our needs and dreams based on input from the Resident Council Accessibility sub-committee and others involved with the Community Garden. As soon as the design has been finalized we will be seeking means to help finance the project including grants, additional donations and fundraisers. If you would like more information on the project or are interested in making a donation, please contact Melissa Frey at 602-589-8115.

Thanks to the continued support of the Beatitudes Auxiliary and Community Garden sponsors, the Community Garden has truly flourished this year. We look forward to another bountiful year! See you Saturday.

Article by resident, Melissa Frey,
Community Garden Club Vice President

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging services for over 50 years.

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