Beatitudes Community

How to Avoid Slips, Trips & Falls


Next to traffic collisions, falls kill more people than any other kind of accident. Nearly 6,000 people die each year as a result of falls on the job or someplace other than their home. Falls can become costly accidents when you consider the suffering, medical expenses, lost wages and lost production. At work, most falls result from slips or trips at floor level, not from high places.

Avoid slips. Keep an eye out for hazardous walking conditions including hidden steps, smooth surfaces, wet, icy or oily surfaces, and loose flooring, carpets or rugs. Avoid trips. Keep your work area neat and orderly, watch for things such as furniture in high traffic areas, items on floors, drawers left open, electrical cords in open areas, and objects left on stairways. Avoid falls. You can prevent falls by being aware of your environment and by removing potential hazards when you see them. Ensure lighting is sufficient in the area. Avoid “makeshift” step stools like boxes or furniture. Use a stepladder. Repair or replace worn stair treads or unraveled carpet. Lower yourself gently from high areas such as flatbeds or work stages. Never jump. Be aware of the length of your hems and cuffs so they don’t get caught while walking.

keep_an_eye_open_for_tripping_hazards_before_they_floor_you_simpsons_slips_trips_and_falls_safety_poster_s1158__42710-1408562840-850-1100Know how to use a ladder. Follow these tips to prevent ladder falls:

  • Ensure ladder is in good condition and has safety feet.
  • Always face the ladder.
  • Remember 4-to-1 rule. For each four feet of height, set the base out one foot.
  • Do not carry anything in your hands while you climb the ladder. Hoist what you need.
  • Move the ladder if an item is out of your reach. Keep your body centered so your belt buckle is between side rails.

When it comes to preventing slips trips and falls, your state of mind in approaching a situation can make the difference. Falls occur because people don’t expect them. The more you anticipate and guard against falls, the fewer you’ll have.


Author Info: Cheryl Knupp
Cheryl Knupp is the Senior VP of Health Services here at Beatitudes Campus. Learn more about Beatitudes

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