Beatitudes Community

Exciting Safety Update!

As of the creation of this post, there has not been an employee injury since December 9, 2015 and we think you all deserve a little treat!  The HR team cannot recall a time in the last 8 or 9 years that the Campus has gone this long without an accident that resulted in injury and had to be reported to the workers’ compensation insurance carrier (first aid only incidents do not impact our work comp policy).  So, in honor of this milestone, postcards have been sent to every employees home to thank you for thinking safety and working safely.  The postcards also include a coupon for a $1.50 off of your next purchase in the Bistro, Corner Perk, or HCC Employee Lunch Line.

Remember – workers’ compensation insurance works like car insurance – the more claims that hit the policy, the more the insurance premiums rise at the next renewal. By keeping safety at the front of your mind each day at work, you are helping the Campus control costs.  That’s going to go a long way in reducing our insurance renewals each August and helping us have funds for more exciting things like…raises, parties, capital improvements, etc.!

We will aim to update you weekly on our accident-free status, but if you want more timely information, check the safety boards located near each time clock for postings that look like the attached.

Keep up the great work!  You are awesome, Team Beatitudes!

Accident Free for X Days Posting