Beatitudes Community

The Light Side

It is dark out there!  Have you noticed?  This is the time of when daylight is scarce and the nighttime hours dominate.  The Season is reflected in our faith traditions as well, as they speak of dark times and the role light has when it is darkest in life, and how a new day is always dawning.  Life has its challenges with and transition always in our midst.  When in the midst of those times, it is only natural for us to feel darkness all around us, and perhaps even hopelessness.  The themselves remind us of good times past, and then the darkness sets in…but into the darkness new light appears, or so traditions tell us in their various stories.

 For Christians it is – a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the new day, but the Season is still dark.  For Jewish faith beholders, it is Hanukkah, not a major holiday but still a of the festival of lights and the miracle of hope reflected by that light.  At Beatitudes Campus it is also the Festival of Lights.  It is our tradition!  Only after our Festival of Lights does the Campus shine bright once again for the rest of the Season.  In all, light is a sign of Hope.

Whether it is a Menorah, Advent Wreath or glimmering trees and balconies, the light keeps on shining, giving strength for the and proof that the future is destined to be bright. 

How many times has that story proven to be true in your life?  Just when all seems lost and the future is at its darkest, a light suddenly starts to shine pointing the way to new hope and new possibility. 

As you make your way through this Holiday Season, keep looking for the light.  Just when it gets darkest, the new day starts to dawn and the days get brighter and brighter.  And remember, it is ok to be dark for little bit as it is only the precursor to the light of greater things coming our way in the future to be.  

Author Info: Rev. David Ragan, Sr. VP Resident Services Verified Senior Staff
Rev. David W. Ragan is the Senior Vice President of Resident Services at Beatitudes Campus.

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