Beatitudes Community

Survey Says…

Like much of the world, Beatitudes Campus residents, staff, and administration have spent the better part of the year reacting and responding to shifting demands during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Rates of community spread, state regulations, resident needs, and staff capabilities have called for continuous recalibration, in order for us all to meet moving targets that best allow for continued safety and optimal quality of life in these trying times.  And how does one measure quality of life during a crisis?  It is a challenging task, but as we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is important to reflect upon and learn from our individual and collective experiences over these past months. 

Residents will recall filling out an annual satisfaction survey in years past.  This annual questionnaire is typically developed by Holleran, an organization that surveys Life Plan Communities like ours throughout the nation.  This year, Beatitudes Campus has developed its own Independent Living resident survey tailored to the unique experiences of our community during the pandemic.

The survey this year is broken down into four categories: Personal Impacts, Coping Mechanisms, Campus Response, and Future Steps.  It is our hope that through these surveys, we can gauge not only the experiences of Independent Living residents during the pandemic, but also ascertain how successfully residents feel Beatitudes has responded to the evolving needs of the community. 

This feedback is critical, and we hope every Independent Living resident will take the time to complete one.  With your collective input, the campus will have an opportunity to self-reflect, plan for future months, and consider how we might better meet the needs of residents, should future crises ever arise. 

The survey will be distributed to each Independent Living resident’s door by Beatitudes Campus floor representatives on February 9th.  There will be return boxes located in each building lobby, and the boxes will be collected on February 18th.  Patio home surveys can be submitted to either Central Park West or Central Park North lobbies. We will be offering a $5.00 Bistro coupon to all residents of the building with the highest percentage of returned surveys. Surveys will be coded to indicate which building they are from.

As is the case for us all during the pandemic, we understand your feelings and perspectives have changed throughout the pandemic.  In responding to the survey prompts, please do your best to convey your general sentiments over the past 10 months.  Thank you in advance for your participation in the survey process.  We look forward to reviewing your responses and sharing the data and insights gathered in the coming weeks.

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging services for over 50 years.

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