Beatitudes Community

The Unique Benefit of Group Social Activity for Older Adults | InvestigAge

A new study indicates that group social activity offers unique cognitive benefits to older adults, more so than one-on-one social activity.

This new study indicates that group social activity offers unique cognitive benefits to older adults. Therefore, we suggest getting involved! Beatitudes Campus offers many group events for you to explore interests, or to learn something new. Be sure to visit our calendar for a look at all available options today!

Source: The Unique Benefit of Group Social Activity for Older Adults | InvestigAge

Physical activity may protect older people from brain damage – Medical News Today

A new study has demonstrated that older people who remain physically active could be protecting themselves from brain damage associated with movement difficulties.

Source: Physical activity may protect older people from brain damage Medical News Today

As part of our Success Matters program, we find interesting articles across the web, which demonstrate how active older adults may continue to be successful and live longer, healthy lives.

Mindset – What’s Yours?

Back by popular demand from residents who participated in her previous three workshops on Joy, Wendy White, M.C., will present “Mindset – What’s Yours?” Wendy has asked Jan Whohlers, our wonderful Yoga instructor, to assist her in presenting this informative and fun workshop, which is bound to increase your joy and positive outlook on aging. The workshop will follow our Chair Yoga class on March 19th in the Motion Studio at 2:00PM. This presentation will be limited to 20 people. Please sign up at the desk in the Motion Studio.