Beatitudes Community

Opportunities to get Involved

Multi-Faith Food Drive and Native American Film and Drumming

The Beatitudes Campus has always been a place where residents continue to learn and grow, and participate fully in the wider community. There are some events coming up over the next few weeks that offer you the chance for just that.

The first event coming up is a food drive sponsored by friends of Campus, the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona (ISBA) founded by Azra Hussain. It has been an honor to participate in food drives with ISBA in the past as they strive to heal and help those in the community.

This Multi-Faith 9/11 Food Drive is a way to honor those who died on 9/11/2001 by bringing people of many religious traditions, ethnicities and ages together to care for those in need in our community.  Both residents and employees are encouraged to participate in the food drive.

Labeled food donation boxes will be set up in the lounges of the apartment buildings around campus. We are asking for peanut butter and tuna only to be donated as these are items that are always in need at local food shelters. Simply place your donations of peanut butter and/or tuna in these boxes when it is convenient for you between Monday, August 20 and Sunday, September 9. 

Another way you can support this food drive is by making a monetary donation in cash or check. If by check, make it out to Beatitudes Campus and on the memo line (at the lower left-hand corner of your check), write “Food Drive”. You can drop off your monetary donation to Chaplain Peggy’s office or call Nancy Splain at x18484, or Kimberly Bravo at x18465 to coordinate drop off/pick up of your donation.

Last year we were able to assist two different local food banks through your generosity.

Another event coming up is a screening of the short film, “We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For” – Hopi Prayer and Prophecy brought to Campus by award winning documentary filmmaker Fidel Moreno. Fidel is a water and peace activist who identifies as Huichol, Yoeme and Mexican-American. He will also be able to give us an update on the happenings at and his participation in the gathering at Standing Rock regarding protection of our water resources.  Following the viewing of his film we will have the unique opportunity to witness and participate in traditional Native American healing chants and drumming. Mark your calendars for Friday, August 31 at 2:00 p.m. in the Life Center for this unique, inspiring and educational experience.

Our outside community is a blessing to us by offering these amazing opportunities to serve and grow and by allowing us the gift to be a blessing in return.*