Beatitudes Community

Save the Date – All Staff March 9th!

Make sure to come by for the March All Staff for all the campus updates. Also we’ll be rolling out some new benefit information towards the end so be sure to stick around for that. We’ll have popsicles and lemonade to get you cooled down in the already warming up weather. If you have an anniversary in February or March you’ll want to be sure to come and grab your new pin. Rod will also be presenting more on our First Impressions information. Come for the food and stay for the updates!

March Anniversaries

Congratulations to the Beatitudians celebrating an anniversary in March.  Please be sure to come to the March 24th All Staff at 2:30 PM to receive your new years of service pin and card!

Candy Dixon 1
Raymond Gonzales 1
Adrian Horner 1
Muhannad “Mo” Kusairy 2
Cecelia Lauterio 2
Siah Fayah 3
Terri Kosmulski 3
Christine Monroe 3
Cho Cho Aung 4
Hal Bierly Jr. 4
Michael Ford 4
Suzanne Lewis 5
Liudmila Bosovski 8
Matt Hinsley 8
Nebiat Andemicael 9
Andrew Hom 11
Allen Bloch 14
Renata Brescic 15
Donna Warchol 15
Keith Hobbs 16
Kirsti Rusanen 19
Mary Long 23
Judy Orlando 28