Beatitudes Community

Upcoming Birthdays

Happy birthday to the Beatitudians with an upcoming birthday this ! Wish these folks well as you see them on Campus!

Jeremy Anderson 2-Mar; Ron Rhode 2-Mar; Carol Collins 2-Mar; Thelma Christopher 2-Mar; Adi Medero 3-Mar; Ed Montgomery 3-Mar; Jose Aragon 3-Mar; Suzanne McLaughlin 4-Mar; Reynaldo Gomez 5-Mar; Jose Leon 7-Mar

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the of Campus is the of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of they imagined was the of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging for over 50 years.

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