Beatitudes Community


The second flu shot + clinic will be held:
Friday, December 7th from 9 to 11AM
Agelink Great Room (AGR)

By popular demand, besides Flushots, you will also be able to receive vaccines for Pneumonia, Shingles(finally available in less limited quantities) and Tetanus.  You must pick up a consent form at the Welcome Desk in the Administration building. To receive the Tetanus shot, check mark “other” and indicate Tetanus. 

Please refer to the November 12th Roadrunner issue for more specifics on each vaccine.

It is important you list your Medicare and other insurance numbers on the consent form for billing purposes.  Please also bring your insurance cards to the clinic in case there are any questions. Not all shots are covered by Medicare and you may incur charges for different vaccines!

Sign up early! Completed consent forms must be returned to the Welcome Desk by no later than November 30.  For any questions,please contact Gabi Holberg at ext. 18490. *


The long awaited news has arrived and we are able to host not only a second flu-shot clinic but also – FINALLY – offer shingle shots. The pharmacy is receiving more vaccines now and we should be able to accommodate a fair amount of requests at this point. We all know flu shots are important, but they are not the only one that matter. At this coming clinic you will be able to receive any of these vaccines:

Tetanus Shot – The tetanus shot, known as Adacel, should be given every ten years. This shot has an added benefit of not only protecting against tetanus, but also diphtheria and pertussis. Pertussis is also known as Whooping Cough, and is an important vaccination to have for those who spend time with grandchildren to protect them from this illness. When filling out the vaccination form for the pharmacy, you may simply write in “tetanus” next to desired vaccines if you wish to receive this shot.

The pneumonia shot is very important, and should be considered just as necessary as the flu shot. Pneumonia can not only result in hospitalization, but can also be acquired in the hospital when visiting for other health issues. It is wise to protect against this illness not only as we age, but especially in those with other long term health or breathing conditions, such as COPD, bronchitis, and asthma. There are two pneumonia shots available, and the appropriate shot is determined by both the date and version of the last pneumonia shot received. Please be sure to indicate your doctor’s name when requesting the pneumonia shot so that the pharmacy can contact your doctor and find out which version of the shot you need.

The new shingles shot should be given even if you have had a shingles shot any time prior to 2018. While the old vaccine was thought to protect for life, time has shown that it is not as effective as once thought. The new vaccine is much more effective, and should protect you for life. It is given in two parts – one shot now and one shot later in two to six months. While the tetanus, flu, and pneumonia shots are often covered by insurance without a co-pay, the shingles shot will sometimes require a co-payment depending on your insurance and how much you have paid into your deductible for the year. The end of the year is a good time to get this shot because you may have paid through your deductible by this time. If you want to get this shot, be sure to include your phone number on the form so the pharmacy can contact you if a co-payment is required.

Everybody knows how important the flu shot is. This should be given every year as soon as possible. Like others, the pharmacy offers the high dose or “senior” flu shot, which is designed to get the best immune system response from patients over 65. This shot can be given the same day as the shingles, pneumonia, or tetanus shot.

It is important to request every shot you wish to receive on the pharmacy form, even if you’ve previously turned in a separate request. The forms are once again available at the Welcome desk in the Administration lobby. You must also provide your Medicare number and any additional Insurance information you may have. It helps if you bring your cards to the clinic in case the team has any questions. All completed forms must be turned in at the Welcome desk by no later than Friday November 30, 2018.

The 2nd clinic will be held Friday, December 7th from 9—11AM (AGR).

Please check in at the intake table. Vaccines will be administered by the pharmacist and two of his team mates.

We are looking forward to serving you. For any questions until then, please call Gabi Holberg at x18490.*

Shingles Shot Clinic Update

There is a new formulation of the shingles shot, called Shingrix, and you’ve inquired about it. It is believed to be much more effective than the previous Zostavax shot. Even if previously vaccinated with Zostavax, the new shot, Shingrix, is recommended. You should wait at least two months before being vaccinated again. Not sure if it’s been long enough? No one should have received Zostavax within the last two months as it has almost entirely been removed from the market. The new shot is administered in a two-dose series, with the second dose being administered 2-6 months after the first. We are preparing to facilitate a shingles clinic with Fry’s Pharmacy in the very near future. In the Fall, Fry’s will return to give the follow-up dose and at the same time hold another flu clinic.


According to Mike, the Pharmacist, he is seeing what he calls a “mixed bag” in terms of coverage from Medicare and other plans. Given that it is a two-part shot, the cost may be a factor since the patient must pay twice! Out of pocket, the shot costs around $160.00 per dose. However, Mike has seen $0 co-pays with Medicare and $60+ with others. Bottom line: it depends on your personal insurance coverage. Mike is willing to pre-bill ahead of time and contact you with a price via phone. To do so, he must have a completed Administration Record form on file along with a copy of your insurance cards, front and back, Medicare and Supplemental if applicable. Be sure to include a good phone number to contact you at.

To sign up, simply go to the front administration receptionist and ask for a Shingles form. They can also make copies of your insurance cards for you. Once you have the form completed, return it along with the copies of insurance cards to the receptionist. She will hold them in a safety box until I pick them up and fax them to Mike. He will take care of the rest. Last day to turn in your forms is Sunday, July 8th. For more information, call Gabi Holberg at x18490.

If you want to learn more about the vaccine, type the link below in your web browser:

Shingles Shots & Wellness News

Some of you have asked about a Shingles Shot Clinic.  Since there’s a new shingles shot available, pharmacies currently only receive small lots of that vaccine (10 shots at a time).  Our Fry’s pharmacist is working on getting that limitation lifted and will be happy to come to Campus again once he is able to request a higher number of vaccines.  At that time we will want to make sure we can confirm 25 or more participants.  If we don’t quite make that number or if you don’t want to wait, Campus Transportation will gladly take you over to Fry’s on our scheduled shopping days to receive your shingles shot.  Updates will be posted in the RoadRunner.

Massage Therapist Extraordinaire JoAnn Clinton has reduced her on-Campus schedule to once a month:  every first Tuesday in the Wellness Center W-Office.  She does, however, make special trips to Campus for house calls – how amazing is she!!!  To schedule your appointment, call 602-730-2508 and leave a message if no answer; she’s likely with a client.

Mobile Dermatology service is brought to you by CareToU.  You may have seen their Van parked by the Care Center Fountain.  Regular screenings can lead to early detection, which leads to greater success in fighting skin cancer.  Their next visit will be Thursday and Friday, June 21st and 22nd.  Call 480-202-3914 to schedule your appointment today.

Temperatures are on the rise!  Stay out of the heat and take advantage of other wellness services right here on Campus.  For your convenience, the full Wellness Center Schedule is posted in this edition of the RoadRunner.  Why not put it on the fridge?

For any questions and/or suggestions regarding your Wellness Center, call Gabi Holberg at x18490.