Beatitudes Community

Community Town Hall Recap – May 2017

Below is a summary of information and news discussed at the May Town Hall meeting.

David Ragan (@dragan) opened the Town Hall Meeting at 2:15PM. and began by showing pictures of residents at events over the past few weeks, as well as pictures of new residents on campus. David reminded residents of the need to hydrate frequently as the weather heats up. There were over 100 residents in attendance and one resident was attending for the first time. Welcome Coffee Committee members were complimented on their good work, and all residents were urged to attend the Welcome Coffee on Wednesday, May 24th.

A film was seen that told about two strangers who were worlds apart in their beliefs gradually sharing their lives and finding that bridges can be built over the differences. The film pointed out that a community can be forged that is stronger because of the diversity of its members.

Michelle Just (@mjust) announced the Seventh Annual Power of the Purse would be held on November 5th, 2017. She also talked about May being Older Americans Month which was begun in 1963 by President Kennedy, and continues today. Governor Ducey issued a Proclamation to Beatitudes Campus recognizing May, 2017 as Older Americans Month. This year’s theme is Age Out Loud, to give ageing a new voice—one that reflects what today’s older adults have to say. The Proclamation recognizes Beatitudes Campus for involving older adults in the redefinition of ageing; in promoting home and community based services that support independent living; in encouraging older adults to speak up for themselves and others; and in providing opportunities for older adults to share their experiences.

Michelle also discussed the Redevelopment Project. Renovations and new building will cost approximately 140 million dollars. The lead project will be building 33 new Patio Homes. A new Courtyard Building will be built in the space now taken by the old Garden Apartments, and Plaza North and South buildings will be completely renovated. The Plan calls for reaching stabilization by 2025.

Shout Outs were given to Faris Albari, who worked in our Security Department and has just graduated from the Department of Corrections as a Correctional Officer; Suzanne Aboud (@saboud), part of the HR Team, who has been promoted to HR Manager; the Success Matters team of Jessica Meyer (@jmeyer) and Josephine Levy (@jlevy) as well as our two interns, Rich Fauci and Mitch Sopko, who are teaching staff what it is like to have some age related difficulties through their new SimulAge program; Adi Munoz, who has worked in Dining Services since 2012, has been recently promoted to Lead Server and also has just graduated from GCU with a Bachelor’s in Psychology; and Maria Diaz, also in Dining Services, has been recently promoted to Lead Server and will be graduating with her Associate’s in Arts on the 5th. To write up a staff member for outstanding service, go to and click on Radical Hospitality or pick up a form at the Welcome Desk.

Herb Komnick (@hkomnick), President of the Residents Council, presented the Council Report. The Administrative Report by David Ragan included a reminder of the Special Town Hall Meeting on April 13th and information concerning the annual Holleran resident survey that will be held soon. Community Relations Chairman, Gene Lefebvre, encouraged everyone to contribute to the Washington High School Scholarship Fund which now totals more than $1,600. Communications Committee Chairman, Marc Adelman (@madelman980gmail-com) reported that the Community Channel will be up soon; informed residents of the Arizona Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program which provides telephone equipment for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind or Speech Impaired; and announced that new bulletin boards are now in place at the Central Park Buildings and Patio Homes. Health and Wellness Committee Chairman, Ruth Crowley (@ruthphil10), noted that the two seminars under the title of “What You Need to Know Before You Need to Know It” have been held and were well-attended. Two more seminars are planned for the Fall—one on nutrition and the other titled “Humor, Health and Healing.” Life Enrichment Committee Chairman, Gayle Richmond (@gayle-r), announced that Line Dancing classes are now being held; a new bus that can accommodate up to four wheelchairs is now in operation; and she reported on many more activities that are planned for May. Spiritual Life Committee Chairman, Marilyn Johnson, reported that a number of Easter Services are planned as well as the Second Annual Passover Seder meal; thirty residents traveled to the Sikh Gurdwara; Beatitudes is sponsoring a table at the Golden Rule Awards Banquet; plans are being made for a Scholar in Residence program later this year; and Chaplains Andrew Moore (@amoore) and Peggy Roberts (@proberts) are attending a Spiritual Life and Ageing Conference in Chicago. Marilyn received thanks and appreciation for serving a full five-year term as a committee chair. Paul Kelly was chosen by the committee to succeed her in September. Welcome Committee Chairman, Char Telleen (@char) reminded committee members to report their volunteer hours; noted that the Committee had reviewed the information provided to new residents and decided to include a Hello card to tell new residents a greeter will be calling them soon; and reported that Angell Marketing had a film crew on campus during the April 26th Welcome Coffee. There was no Unfinished Business. Under New Business, Mary Shenefield (@maryshen) submitted her resignation as Parliamentarian, and Bette Henriques (@bettehenr) was nominated and confirmed as the Senior Area Representative for Central Park North. Area Representatives from Central Park West, Plaza North and Plaza View reported on activities in their buildings. Phil Young (@phil-young) announced that the Spring Garden Party is being held on Saturday, May 6th. The next Residents Council meeting will be on Wednesday, May 10th in the Luther Life Center at 2:00PM.

From the IT Department, Angelo Flores (@aflores) has been promoted to Network Administrator and Roy Cohen (@rcohen), formerly with Security, will be the new Resident Support Tech. The “Tech Guys” will be changing their shirt color from orange to green and will be the Guys in Green soon.

David reminded residents of the ways in which they can contribute to the Employee Appreciation Fund. Checks should be made out to the Beatitudes Campus for the Employee Appreciation Fund and deposited in one of the collection boxes around campus or money can be contributed through Rent Deduction.

Rod Bailey (@rbaileybeatitudescampus-org), Sr. Vice President of Sales and Marketing, discussed current marketing activities and presented checks of $1,000 to Gregg Brack and B.J. Prewitt for their new resident referrals.

David encouraged residents to fill out the Holleran Engagement Survey which will available to fill out online on Friday, May 12th. It will also be available as a hard copy. Surveys should be completed by May 26th.

Harriet “Hootie” Redwine has received a very high honor from the Girl Scouts, the Thanks Badge II

She has given 65 years of service to the Girl Scouts. A Girl Scout Alumni group is being formed here at Beatitudes. The first meeting will be held at 11:30AM in Elaine’s Fine Dining on Saturday, May 20th. Cost is $8.50 and reservations can be made by calling Pat Boykin at 602-609-0169 before May 17th.

Jessica Meyer (@jmeyer), Director of Success Matters, reported that there are three more spaces available for the SAFER Stepping Program that will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30PM starting in mid-May. Contact Jessica at x16110 to be put on the registration list.

Jon Schilling (@jschilling), Director of Life Enrichment, discussed the CAREcorps Event being held in the Rec Center on Wednesday, May 31st at 10:00AM. The event will provide an opportunity for residents to hear about the many opportunities to serve our community, on and off campus and to get involved with departments such as Success Matters and the Health Care Interfaith Cooperative Ministries. Michael Smallwood (@msmallwood), Fitness Specialist, thanked those who participated in the Fitness Classes during filming over the past two weeks. Jon and Michael appeared on Channel 12’s Arizona Midday program to explain the various exercise classes for residents with limited mobility and balance problems, as well as water aerobics and the upcoming Brain Savers Program. Mike expressed thanks to Chair Yoga Instructor, Jan Wohlers, and to “Arizona Midday” host, Destry Jetton. He reviewed the Brain Savers program and noted that 106 residents attended Dr. Bendheim’s Introductory Presentation. The Class is broken down into 4 quarters with the 1st Quarter having started May 2nd. The 2nd Quarter will start the first week in August and Mike is taking reservations for that quarter now. Contact him at x18482. This month’s lucky B-Fit winner is Jan Upson.

Didi Cruz (@dcruz), Life Enrichment Specialist, previewed the many May activities which have been scheduled. They include:

  • Lifelong Learners Registration on May 15th from 9AM—1PM;
  • the Herberger Lunchtime Theatre Show on Tuesday, May 16th with an 11:15AM departure (cost is $7);
  • the Uptown Farmers Market trip on Wednesday, May 17th with a 9:00AM departure;
  • a Light Rail Ride and Lunch at CityScape on Friday, May 19th with a 10:00AM. departure;
  • Chase Field Baseball featuring the White Sox at the Diamondbacks on Wednesday, May 24th with an 11:30AM. departure (cost will be $40-$45).

If you have any questions about these trips, call Didi at x18473.

David advised that the Backstreet Furniture Annex is currently closed and the Boutique is looking for someone who can do the lifting required to move furniture. If you can help, call the Boutique at x18463. The Backstreet Boutique is open as usual on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

David also advised that the Community Channel will be up (in all buildings) on or around May 22nd—on Channel 1960. Central Park/Patio Homes buildings are now live. Thanks, as always, to Gregory’s Fresh Market for providing fresh produce for purchase at each Town Hall! Wednesday Sundaes with Dave will be held on Wednesday, May 17th from 2:00 to 4:00PM in the Plaza Bistro. Share your thoughts or just enjoy a free yogurt. The next Town Hall will meet on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 at 2:00PM, in the Life Center. 

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging services for over 50 years.

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