Beatitudes Community

Keep Learning, Growing and Living Better!

Springtime means graduation season. There is a recent and growing trend among college graduates that is garnering a lot of attention. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, by 2020, 43 percent of college students are expected to be age 25 and older. And among these older grads are more and more seniors, who are embracing their love of lifelong learning.

You may have seen some of the recent news stories about older people who recently got their diplomas. ABC News highlighted Bob Barger, a WWII Navy pilot, who recently received his associate degree in technical studies from the University of Toledo in Ohio. After returning home from the war, he had dropped out of college to focus on his job and earning a living for his wife and two children.

CBS News shared the moving story of 89-year-old Ella Washington, who, after raising 12 children and putting in a lifetime of hard work, recently completed her associate degree in interdisciplinary studies from Liberty University in Virginia. She’s already begun work on her bachelor’s degree, majoring in history.

Bob and Ella are just two of the many older people who are taking advantage of the free time that retirement offers to pursue their education and learn more about subjects they are passionate about. And studies show that the benefits of seniors’ pursuit of lifelong learning are abundant.

Learning something new, such as a new skill or hobby, can help boost your memory. Neuroscientists at the University of Texas at Dallas conducted a study that found seniors who took on a new mentally challenging hobby saw a lasting increase in their memory skills. These researchers believe that taking on a new challenging activity—like learning to quilt, play an instrument, or operate a computer, for example—strengthens numerous networks within the brain.

A research study conducted by neurologists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland found that engaging in a lifelong pursuit of mentally challenging activities may actually help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that seniors who frequently read, played mentally challenging games like chess, or engaged in other intellectually stimulating activities are 2.5 times less likely to have Alzheimer’s, which impacts approximately 4 million Americans.

Pursuing lifelong learning activities has benefits that go beyond boosting your brain power. Cognitive neuropsychologists at the University of Sussex in England did a study that found that reading for even just six minutes lowered study participants’ stress levels, slowing their heart rates and easing tension in their muscles. And lower stress has wide ranging benefits for seniors’ cardiovascular health, decreasing blood pressure and reducing the risk of a stroke or heart attack, boosting immunity, and lowering levels of depression.

But researchers at Harvard and Princeton had even more impressive findings in their research on the connection between lifelong learning and health. The study authors found that one more year of education increased life expectancy by 0.18 years. They discovered that the more educated a person, the lower their rates of anxiety and depression, as well as the most common acute and chronic diseases (heart disease, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, emphysema, diabetes, asthma, ulcer), and they were far less likely to report that they were in overall poor health.

Now, there is a “chicken or egg” debate on whether the increased level of education caused these positive health results, or if the people who were healthier (perhaps based on lifestyle factors like drinking, smoking, eating habits, etc., or the impact of their economic standing) were simply more likely to pursue educational opportunities, but the findings are still significant.

There are numerous lifelong learning opportunities available to seniors. I’m proud to remind everyone reading this article, whether you are a campus resident, seeing it online or considering Beatitudes for yourself or your loved one, that we have an outstanding, resident-run LifeLong Learning program on campus with dozens of classes offered each year and a strong games program matching residents interests in not only bridge and Mahjong, but also a host of others.

Beyond that, if you’re looking to take up a new intellectually stimulating hobby like quilting or painting, contact our Life Enrichment department to see what groups are currently available. The Library, which is managed by the Beatitudes Campus Auxiliary, is another great resource—providing not only a treasure trove of mentally stimulating books, but also offering opportunities to serve other campus residents by volunteering.

One of the many advantages of living in a senior living community, such as a Life Plan Community (formerly CCRC) like Beatitudes Campus, is the array of activities and events offered to residents. Knowing the many benefits to their residents’ mental and physical health, Beatitudes Campus in particular puts an emphasis on lifelong learning opportunities. From guest speakers to art classes to affinity groups like chess, bridge, and book clubs, we are proud to provide their residents with numerous ways to keep their minds active, all in a close-to-home location.

Courses include everything from literature, history, and creative writing, to art and music appreciation, philosophy, and current events.

Whether you are interested in getting educated on a new subject or acquiring a new skill, there are near-countless ways that lifelong learning benefits seniors. So why not challenge yourself and try something new? It’s a lifestyle choice that’s good for your mind, which in turn is good for your health!*

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of aging services for over 50 years.

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