Beatitudes Community

National Occupational Therapy (OT) Month

is National Occupational Therapy (OT) Month and, as such, would like to the culminating work of two wonderful OT doctoral students on Campus, Chandler Somers and Katie Holmes.  The role of an OT has been described as a blending of science, creativity, and compassion, in order to help individuals live their lives to the fullest.  While working on their doctoral capstone projects over the past four months, both Katie and Chandler have certainly exemplified these qualities, and we're proud to share their accomplishments. 

During their time on Campus, both Katie and Chandler have been revising and expanding the Success Matters Empowerment Platform in Plaza View Assisted Living. The Empowerment Platform involves a holistic interview to learn about residents' unique backgrounds, interests, and hobbies. It also includes various wellness screens to provide residents with personalized strategies and recommendations to live a safe, active, and engaged lifestyle.

As part of her individual capstone experience, Chandler has just finished up leading and analyzing the efficacy of the Beatitudes Campus 6- SAFER Stepping falls course. This course is offered two to three times per year, and involves exercises targeted to improve balance, as well as discussion about potential fall risk factors. Chandler spent time researching current best practices for falls prevention, in order to provide background and evidence for the course. The data collected from participants across the 6-week program indicates that participants did, in fact, have decreased falls concerns and increased about various fall risk factors, including medications, vision, hearing, nutrition, and brain health.  If you are interested in participating in the next SAFER Stepping course starting in July, contact Jessica at #16110 to get added to the list.

Katie's culminating individual project involved creating and leading the workshop Tools for Stress-Free Living, an 8-week program focusing on the concept of resiliency and emphasizing the ability to find the positives despite adversity or struggles. Discussion and activities included heart-focused deep , engaging the senses, , reframing personal stories, mindfulness, and journaling to facilitate healthy coping strategies. The goal was to engage the participants on both an individual and group level, fostering growth, reflection, and reciprocal learning. On average, participants decreased their perceived stress levels by 15% over the course of the 8-week workshop.

Throughout each of these projects, Katie and Chandler made wonderful connections with residents and staff, explored practical and creative interventions for the wellbeing of older adults, and served as a valuable resource on Campus.  Perhaps most importantly, they learned so much from their experiences with you all and are truly grateful for their opportunities at Beatitudes Campus. 

If you would like to join Success Matters in thanking Chandler and Katie for their tremendous work, and wish them well in their future careers as OTs, please join us in the Plaza Bistro on Thursday, April 25th at 10AM for treats and refreshments.

Author Info: Beatitudes Campus Verified Administrator
At the foundation of Beatitudes Campus is the vision of Church of the Beatitudes pastors and congregation members to create a better alternative for older adults than the nursing homes of the early 1960s. The type of community they imagined was the first of its kind in Arizona. Beatitudes Campus is proud to continue the legacy of our founders, by being a leader in the field of services for over 50 years.

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