Beatitudes Community

A Clinic is Coming, A Clinic is Coming

A CLINIC IS COMING…We are happy to share that Mobile Valley Physicians (MVP) will be joining us on campus in the next couple of months, offering primary care services, podiatry, home health and rehab referrals and coordination, chronic disease management, end of life care planning and hospice coordination. Beginning around July 1, 2019 they will be staffing couple days a week until caseload increases to be able to add more days. They hope, in time, to be open Monday through Friday. Look for more info coming soon…

Hospice is About Living, Not Dying

Hospice is a word many people fear and think of in a negative manner. I have often heard that people fear Hospice because they believe it will hasten one’s death. When you learn about it, you realize that Hospice doesn’t shorten someone’s life, nor does it prolong someone’s life. Hospice of the Valley shares that “Hospice care is for people with a life-limiting illness who want to be cared for in the comfort of their home environment-surrounded by the people and things they know and love.” Hospice is a program that not only provides care from physicians, nurses and nursing aides, but also services including social workers, chaplains, volunteers and bereavement counselors if needed.

On Tuesday, March 21st, please join representatives from Hospice of the Valley at 3PM in the Life Center to hear how Hospice supports patients and their families in their homes. You will learn when Hospice care is appropriate and how Medicare and other insurance companies cover the cost of Hospice care.

Please come learn about a valuable program offered, what other services Hospice of the Valley offers and have all of your questions about Hospice answered. On behalf of the Health and Wellness Committee, we hope to see you Tuesday, March 21st at 3PM in the Life Center.