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From Physical Therapy to Personal Fitness

Graduating from physical therapy is a good reason to celebrate and there's no better time to start a fitness program, even if you've never been physically active. Regular will help you maintain your therapy results and will keep you feeling good for a long time. Create a plan to stay active and fit, even when you don't have a therapist watching your every move.

Start Smart

Physical therapists usually discharge patients with home exercise instructions. Before you finish therapy, ask any questions you have about exercises you should and shouldn't be doing. You should have a clear understanding of which exercises to do, how to do them, how often, for how long, at what level and how you should feel while exercising.  As you begin exercising on your own, go easy. Follow your therapist's instructions to increase your exercise level to avoid injury and discourage setbacks.

The of exercise last only as long as you stay active, so keep a copy of your exercise plan where you'll see it every day. Track your progress to keep yourself honest. Otherwise, you may end up right where you started, with pain, limited function or injury.

At Home

Beginning your post- personal fitness program at home is a great idea for convenience, privacy, and affordability. Set up your home exercise space with safety in mind. Clear your floor of slipping and tripping hazards and make sure you have a stable surface to sit, stand or lie on and something to hold onto for .

Gym Time

You may wish to exercise at a local gym or recreation center, especially if you already belonged to one before you underwent physical therapy. If your home exercise plan calls for using exercise equipment or machines, working at a gym is a convenient way to go.

Step It Up

When you're ready to move beyond your post-rehab exercise program, schedule a few sessions with a certified personal trainer specializing in post-rehab training. Doing so decreases your risk of injury and pain as you continue to build strength and fitness.

Speak Up

Once you begin your personal fitness program, you may have some questions. You might try some of the exercises and realize that for some reason, they don't feel right to you. Instead of ditching the entire plan, contact your physical therapist or trainer. Some simple adjustments to your routine could make all the difference.

Author Info: Jon Schilling Verified Moderator
Jon is the Director of at

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