Beatitudes Community

Set Intentions, Not Resolutions

One of the last minute gifts I gave to our daughter Maddie this year is a bracelet with one word on it.  I was attracted to this website the week before Christmas because Chris Pan, founder of, is asking the world “What’s Your WORD?”  His mission is to be a catalyst for meaningful conversations and positive energy. Your WORD is something you want to have more of in your life or a challenge you want to overcome.  He says: “We believe there is purpose inside each of us and we want our efforts to encourage people to share more truth and inspiration with each other.  We are not a jewelry company – we are an intentions project. When you choose your word it is hand-stamped into a wearable bracelet or necklace as a daily reminder and conversation starter. Ok, I know this could easily be a gimmick, but the thing is I asked Maddie “What’s your WORD? and she said, “THRIVE.”  I asked “Why thrive?” and she said that she wants to thrive and not just survive.  That was a catalyst for a conversation and information about my daughter that I wouldn’t have known otherwise.  The WORD that I chose is “JOY” because it is meaningful in my life and my faith and has deep connections to my father who died years ago.  I asked my husband what his WORD was and he said he didn’t want a bracelet.  Ok, it’s not for everyone.  I am inspired to think of my WORD as my intention, not my resolution, as I go into this New Year.  One of the makers of the My Intent project posted this:  “Guess what, you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are and there is nothing “wrong” with you, nothing that needs fixing…what you can do is love yourself a little more a little deeper.  Surround yourself with people who inspire you and push yourself to be an expanded version of who you already are.  Do things that set your soul on fire and fill your heart with love.  Expand your mind, experience new things, connect on a deeper level with those around you.  So instead of creating a “resolution” or asking yourself what needs “fixing”….set an intention for what you are CREATING in the world and who you are committed to BEING.  Find what makes your light shine and do more of that. Shine brighter in the new year.”  May it be so.  What’s your WORD?

Learn Something New – Visit the Ceramic Studio!

Ceramics Lab ArtThe art of pottery is oftentimes described as therapeutic and relaxing. While spinning clay, your mind and body are in natural synergy, wrapped around your creative ambitions and goals. This thoughtful, artistic activity can open up the mind and relieve you of outside worries. Did you know we have a Ceramics Studio on campus? The picture that is shown is a piece of art created by Bernice Gronek, Georgia Katrales, and our volunteer instructor Jane Hustead at the Beatitudes Campus Ceramics Studio.

The health benefits of pottery are endless, and listed below are just a few: Creative outlet: there are both physical and mental benefits from expressing yourself by creating something. Art offers an outlet and a release from all of that. With pottery, you can produce something and express yourself in some way. Increase optimistic outlook: pottery enables for improvements in flow and spontaneity, provides an outlet for grief, and helps you with self-identification and self-expression, bolstering confidence and self-esteem. Improve focus: pottery allows you to escape the worries of life and shift your focus on toward your creation. During the process, outside influences don’t affect your work so you dedicate your time to your creation. Being able to fully focus on something helps the mind relax and expand, which will help you focus in other areas of life as well. Reduces stress: our hands are an outlet for creativity; the sense of touch is of high importance. A lot of focus is required while you’re making pottery, therefore outside distractions are reduced and no longer stress you out. Encourage sociability: pottery, an activity that rouses mental activity as much as physical, is often the perfect hobby for those who prefer to expend their energy internally. While partaking in group pottery, however, one can socialize confidently with other potters while still allowing for silence. The usually casual atmosphere helps relax any socially anxious woes to help start a conversation. Improve quality of life: Art is an important hobby for self-expression. It is a good way to connect with yourself by expanding your body and mind. Embarking on new creations, learning new techniques and finishing your creations can contribute to a lifetime commitment of learning and maintaining a productive hobby.

The Ceramics Studio is located on the south side of Central Park South (CPS) facing the Fitness Center and you will be able to locate the studio because of the eye-catching piece of art located outside (pictured above). If you have any questions about the Ceramics Studio, please contact Didi Cruz x8473 or Monica De La Rosa x8526. *