Beatitudes Community

Rev. Dr. Culver H. “Bill’ Nelson

This past Tuesday, the Beatitudes Church and Campus communities, along with families and friends, gathered to celebrate the life of our founder, Rev. Dr. Culver H. “Bill’ Nelson. It was a deeply moving service where we heard of his four great passions- Music, Community, Preaching and Denomination Leadership. Each person shared stories and his role in their own leadership development. The Rev. Dr. Dosia Carlson remarked on his love of song and music; The Rev. Dave Hunting on his profound presence at the pulpit and the reflections and actions he left congregants; The Rev. Dr. William “Bill” Lyons on his leadership in the growth of both the United Church of Christ and Southwest Conference, and Peggy Mullan, my predecessor, on his involvement in not only the Campus Church communities, but the Phoenix community as a whole.

With her permission, below are excerpts from her piece.

Bill always believed that the secular community, our civic lives, should not be separate from the spiritual community. A man of action always, he lived that belief. He was a founding member of the Phoenix Forty, a group of forty businessmen brought together by Eugene Pulliam to envision the Phoenix of the future way back in 1975. Much of what we enjoy today in urban Phoenix came out of their dreaming and designing. Bill was active in the formative years of Valley Leadership; he served as chaplain frequently at our state legislature and worked diligently on too many boards and commissions throughout the state of Arizona to enumerate. Among his many joys were the interfaith relationships he fostered with clerics from every faith community imaginable. He enjoyed a particularly close relationship with the esteemed and beloved Rabbi Al Plotkin, another giant from the spiritual community of his generation.

It’s impossible to talk about Bill without speaking of his beloved wife and partner in everything important – Dee. He loved her passionately and unabashedly. When Dee suffered a massive stroke and then through the years several others, Bill rose to the occasion in a way that honestly surprised us all. She had been the wind beneath Bill’s wings…we feared he would not know what to do. How very wrong we were.

It will always be a point of pride for me and every other employee of the Campus that we were part of Bill and Dee’s lives as they grew older.

I’d like to close my comments today by presuming to speak for someone who is not able to be at this lectern today—Bill’s good friend and my predecessor that I mentioned earlier, Rev. Dr. Ken Buckwald. When Ken would give a eulogy for someone he particularly loved and admired, he always closed with these words from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, verse 23.  I’ll speak them now in tribute to the friendship that the two men shared as they worked together over fifty plus years: “Well done, good and faithful servant…now enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”


I hope you can join us at Wednesday’s Town Hall meeting where we will begin with a special time of remembrance honoring our Founder, The Rev. Dr. Culver H. “Bill” Nelson.

Long-Lasting Consequences

Have you noticed how many more people seem to be drinking from reusable water bottles? This is a great step forward in reducing our plastic waste, and in moving us away from being a ‘throwaway society’, although there is clearly much more yet to be accomplished as we seek to become better stewards of God’s creation. To use another example, did you know that according to Eco Age, (an organization which helps companies to focus on sustainable production methods) in the West, new clothes are worn on average for just 5 weeks before being thrown away?! That is the scary truth of the ‘fast fashion’ world in which we live…. read full article here

Moving Offices

In a letter written in 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote that “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Franklin popularized that idiom, which has oft been used ever since, but recently I have been aware of another inescapable aspect of life – moving house. Some of us have moved internationally. Perhaps others have been deployed at a moments notice to a place hitherto unknown. Some will have lived in places for many years, others have moved around more frequently. Whatever our individual experiences, we all know something of the experience of packing up, sorting out, moving boxes filled with our treasures; and then doing it all again in reverse. In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes… and moving. All of the moves that I have made have been times of excitement amidst change, and that is certainly true of this latest one, which has been taking place this week.

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that there have been some changes in where you can now find the members of the Spiritual Life Department.

Chaplain Peggy has moved into her new office on the ground floor of Plaza View (Assisted Living), Chaplain Andrew will be moving from his current office (next to the Life Center) into Peggy’s old office (just East of the Boardrooms), and Kimberly (our Spiritual Life Department Administrative Assistant) will be moving into Andrew’s old office. Following the feedback which we have heard from residents, desiring a space for quiet contemplation and prayer, Kimberly’s office will become our new Meditation Space. Our telephone numbers and extensions will be remaining the same. We are all excited about these moves, and particularly about having a more permanent presence among our Assisted Living residents and staff.

We look forward to continuing to serve you in whatever ways we can from our new locations, as well as seeing familiar and new faces at our doors. Come and visit us!*