Beatitudes Community

Black History Month—February 2019

As many of you know, February is BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

Black History Month (BHM), also known as African-American History Month, is an annual observance time celebrated in the U.S.

There are a handful of other countries worldwide who celebrate BHM under a different name called “Black Achievement Month”.

The precursor to Black History Month was “Negro History Week” created in 1926 in the United States, by historian Carter G. Woodson

It was chosen to be on the 2nd week of February because it coincided with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12) and Fredrick Douglass (Feb. 14).

Beatitudes Campus has a “Black History Month (BHM) Planning Committee”  The 2019 members are, Josie Gay, Nancy Cortez, Anthony Farias, Conroy Dennis, Bob Longoni, Betty Greathouse, Shirley Kendrick, Sherika Johnson, Doris Lyke, Ella Adams, Barbara Williams, Emma Walls, Betty Hullaby, and Gerald Roseberry, we are all motivated to participate in the BHM related events.

This year, the BHM Planning Committee wants to expand the recognition throughout the month instead of cramming all of the information into one 90 minute event like has been done in the past.

It all starts with me writing this article.

There will be a Black History Month display once a week in the Bistro during lunch time.  Each display in the roadrunner will be advertised with the date and time.

The BHM Committee will host one movie each week this month in the Life Center which will also be advertised in the Roadrunner.

Look for BLACK HISTORY related information posted on the BEATITUDES CAMPUS COMMUNITY CHANNEL throughout this month.

The recognition will conclude at the end of the month with our grand finale!!!  THE BEATITUDES 6TH ANNUAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH event created and lead by campus staff member, Josie Gay, on Thursday, February 28.

I am most excited about my former fitness client and friend, VERNON PARKER, (Paradise Valley’s 1st Black Mayor) who will come and speak at the event.  He will be sharing his experiences from when he worked in the White House during both “President Bush” administrations.

Why am I so excited to participate in this event?

Many different conversations lead me to realize that a lot of our residents and staff do not know of the many aspects of  Black history.  I thought that it was common knowledge to most Americans, but I was wrong.

For example, most poeple in one of my wellness classes didn’t know that there is a Negro National Anthem.

The reactions were quite comical before I convinced the ones who didn’t know that the song really does exist!

What I found most amazing about this matter is that residents whom I spoke with (who are not African American) were interested in knowing MORE about African American Culture.  It will be our pleasure to present these topics to you, just think of it as “Black History 101.” Please join us in the Celebration.  I hope that you will find it to be educational and fun! *

Diversity and Inclusion Day: What a Celebration!

We hope you made it over to the Life Center last Monday for our inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Day! Over 150 residents and staff members participated in this happy event. CEO Michelle Just and President of Beatitudes, proclaimed January 21, 2019 as Beatitudes Campus Diversity and Inclusion Day. Thank you, Michelle! Here is a segment from that proclamation:

“Now, therefore, I, Michelle L. Just, President and CEO of Beatitudes Campus, with a continued commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality, proclaim January 21st, 2019, (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day),  Beatitudes Campus’ Diversity and Inclusion Day, and we resolve to stand together with all people of good faith in our community recognizing we have the power to change our attitudes, to overcome our ignorance and fears, and ability to influence our peers and neighbors to embrace and build together a more loving, caring community, open and affirming of all.”

On large maps of the world and USA, participants were invited to mark their places of origin and cultural heritage. Attendees also explored exhibits and gathered information about Black History, the LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning), the personal and cultural meaning of Dia de los Muertos, and they were able to see and handle cultural heritage artifacts from Indonesia and Ukraine. The Success Matters team gave attendees the opportunity to experience age-related changes such as losses in their vision or hearing. The differences in how folks responded when they actually experienced those losses surely represent another, very personal kind of diversity. Participants were invited to write out answers to the question “What does Diversity mean to you and what makes you unique? How would you answer?

The celebration continued with staff members dancing, singing, and playing music at the event. Resident, Barbara Levy, read a very moving poem she had written in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr, and his call for a more just and inclusive world. In keeping with the spirit of the celebration, there was delicious food from around the world. Throughout the event, one video offered Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, another moving video entitled “The Real Thing” explored how to support transgender community, while another video focused on exploring the meaning of diversity. Most importantly, and enjoyably, there was time just to talk with each other. Residents and staff shared stories about many topics, including service in the Peace Corps, participation in civil rights demonstrations, and the many personal moments where there were deep vows to raise children and grandchildren in a more just world guided by values and faith.

So why was the event held? The Diversity and Inclusion Action Council, made up of staff and residents, organized and planned the event. The Council has been meeting since last April to further explore and focus our attention on diversity and inclusion, and we decided to highlight diversity and inclusion through this event! Our Beatitudes Campus Promise statement moves us to “value the diversity of all” and that promise was surely kept in this celebration. This event was an addition, not a replacement to the long-standing campus traditions of honoring Black History, Veterans, LGBT community, and older adults.

Our campus is a special place where we come together to create a community of welcoming for all– regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, marital status, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and age. As you know, we welcome all faiths and those choosing not to identify with a faith. Beyond welcoming, our activities and day-to-day interactions and life on the campus illustrate our commitment to learning from one another and always expanding our beliefs and worlds. We also bring our commitment to diversity to off-campus community involvement through volunteering at schools, participating in neighborhood organizations and so much more.

Our Diversity Day highlights our rich past and guides us to future actions about diversity on campus. What are some of your reflections about diversity on campus? What would you like others to know about you or your heritage? Let’s keep the dialogue going! The Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee is looking for others who are passionate about this work so if you would like to join the Council or would like more information, please call Linda Travis, at X16365, or Chaplain Peggy Roberts at X16109 *

Diversity and Inclusion

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

I wanted to take this opportunity to follow up on Peggy Roberts’ article from last week regarding the Diversity and Inclusion Day to be held this Monday, January 21st in the Everett Luther Life Center, between 12:00 and 3:00PM. The Diversity and Inclusion Action Council (consisting of residents and staff) specifically chose to hold the event on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as an honor to the many contributions of King’s societal movement to a more inclusive society.

A day such as this makes me incredibly proud of our campus community as we resolve to stand together to recognize we have the power to change our attitudes, to overcome our ignorance and fears, and have the ability to influence our peers and neighbors to embrace and build together a more loving, caring community—open and affirming of all.

The campus is a community of caring people who, together,  create a healthy, safe and secure place for everyone—no matter the geographic, ethnic, economic, religious, sexual orientations, age, or gender identity—to live, work and age with dignity. It is truly  an environment which promotes acceptance, inclusion and diversity where everyone can thrive and live to their fullest potential by respecting each other.

I do hope you will join us for the open house. Whether it is for 10 minutes or the entire three hours, your presence is appreciated.  Come by to hear what diversity and inclusion means to others, share your place of origin on the world map, and enjoy foods from around the globe. *

Permitted, a Redevelopment Update

Earthwork will begin this week on the 17th Drive site.   You will see earthmovers scraping up 18”-24” of existing soil trenches and then lay it back down with proper compaction. The permits for the patio homes may be issued this week.

The abatement of the Garden Apts will finish up this week.  The demolition of the Garden Apts will be scheduled for the end of this month.  For every tree we remove, at least one replaces them.  On a separate note: An Eagle Scout Project will install a Bocce Ball Court in the grassy quad west of Plaza View and north of the Administration Conference Room.  Additional questions and information? Contact Scott Mardian, [email protected].*

Thinking God’s Thoughts

It is an exciting time for space exploration. Not only has China successfully landed an exploratory craft on the far side of the Moon, but humanity has been boldly going where we haven’t gone before. NASA’s New Horizons probe, launched in January 2006, has successfully flown by a small snowman shaped object (see the picture included, taken from the probe’s telemetry) named Ultima Thule, meaning ‘beyond the farthest frontiers’. That object is a billion miles further out from Pluto. It is quite incredible to think of how far, both literally and metaphorically, we have come since the advent of space exploration. In 1961, during the first manned spaceflight, Yuri Gagarin, according to some sources, remarked ‘I see no God up here’, although those words were not in the official transcripts.  Those words seem to firmly put the exploration of the cosmos and faith at odds with each other. However, in reality, the historical interaction between theology and outer space has been more subtle and much more fruitful than a simple conflict. Some historians point to the positive influence of belief on the very growth of science. Four hundred years ago, Galileo and other scientists of his generation understood by their faith that God was free to create in whatever way God wanted. Therefore, the only way to understand creation was to observe it, and thus was the real origin of empirical science. A similar argument led to theologians being foremost in the speculation about life on other planets. If God is free to create  not just human life, the only way you would know whether other life was there would be to actively search for it. Rather than religious belief and scientific exploration being at odds with each other, this understanding, in fact, adds a sacred dimension  to that exploration. At times, this exploration will no doubt be puzzling and surprising, but ultimately always awe-inspiring. Fifty years ago, as Apollo 8 orbited the Moon on Christmas Eve, the astronauts took turns reading from the Book of Genesis. The sense that the world is created and good continues to inspire many to look beyond the farthest frontiers, and to see science, as the sixteenth century astronomer, Johannes Kepler, described it as “thinking God’s thoughts after him”. *


Happy Kwanzaa

As we live into our commitment to be diverse and inclusive here at the campus, we aim to be intentional in the ways that we grow in our understanding and celebration of who WE are. There are friends and family who celebrate Kwanzaa and there is much to learn about this celebration which honors African heritage in African-American culture and is observed from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a feast and gift-giving. Kwanzaa has seven core principles (Nguzo Saba). It was created by Maulana Karenga and was first celebrated in 1966–67. Maulana Karenga, a black nationalist who later became a college professor, created Kwanzaa as a way of uniting and empowering the African-African community in the aftermath of the deadly Watts riots. Having modeled his holiday on traditional African harvest festivals, he took the name “Kwanzaa” from the Swahili phrase, “matunda ya kwanza,” which means “first fruits.”

Many people celebrate both Kwanzaa and Christmas. Though often thought of as an alternative to Christmas, many people actually celebrate both. “Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, but a cultural one with an inherent spiritual quality,” Karenga writes. “Thus, Africans of all faiths can and do celebrate Kwanzaa, i.e. Muslims, Christians, Black Hebrews, Jews, Buddhists, Baha’i and Hindus, as well as those who follow the ancient traditions of Maat, Yoruba, Ashanti, Dogon, etc.” According to Karenga, non-blacks can also enjoy Kwanzaa, just as non-Mexicans commemorate Cinco de Mayo and non-Native Americans participate in powwows. Kwanzaa centers around seven principles which are umoja (unity), kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work and responsibility), ujamaa (cooperative economics), nia (purpose), kuumba (creativity) and imani (faith). Kwanzaa also has seven symbols–mazao (crops), mkeka (mat), kinara (candleholder), muhindi (corn), kikombe cha umoja (unity cup), zawadi (gifts) and mishumaa saba (seven candles)–that are traditionally arranged on a table. Three of the seven candles are red, representing the struggle; three of the candles are green, representing the land and hope for the future; and one of the candles is black, representing people of African descent. Some families who celebrate Kwanzaa dress up or decorate their homes in those colors. Homemade and educational gifts are encouraged. U.S. presidents habitually wish the nation a happy Kwanzaa.The holiday also has made inroads with the U.S. Postal Service, which has issued four separate Kwanzaa stamps since 1997. The latest, from 2011, features a family dressed in traditional African garb lighting the kinara.

When he envisioned the celebration of Kwanzaa, Karenga recognized that on the whole, African Americans do not live in an agricultural setting. Nonetheless, he sought to emphasize that the basic principles found in producing the harvest are vital to building and maintaining strong and wholesome communities. Kwanzaa is that time when we reflect on our use of the basic principles, share and enjoy the fruits of our labor, and recommit ourselves to the collective achievement of a better life for our family, our community, and our people. We celebrate family, community, and culture, and wish our friends, Happy Kwanzaa! *

Looking Forward to 2019

Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were filled with love and joy. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all of you for making Beatitudes Campus the wonderful, spirit-filled community it is. Your warmth and compassion for each other is inspiring. Your wisdom has taught me so much about living life to its fullest. You have blessed me with the lifelong gift of your friendship. Thank you!

Now that 2019 is upon us, many of us have resolved to change some of our “bad” habits and replace them with “good” habits. How did the tradition of New Year’s resolution even start? Some 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians rang in their new year by making promises to the gods in hopes they would earn good favor in the coming year. They often resolved to return borrowed items and get out of debt. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus. During the Middle Ages, knights would renew their vows to chivalry and uphold the values of knighthood by placing their hand on a live or roasted peacock.

Things have come a long way since then! Modern new year’s resolutions became “a thing” in the 19th century. The first recorded use of the phrase “new year resolution” appeared in a Boston newspaper in 1813.

The tradition of making resolutions at the beginning of the year certainly can put a lot of stress on us – especially if we don’t keep them. Every year, in some way or another, I resolve to be a better person, get healthier, work less, save the world, become smarter, be more philanthropic, become more spiritual, engage more in the world around me – whew – what a tall order! And what a lot of pressure! By the end of the year, I usually haven’t fulfilled all of my resolutions in the way I imagined I would in January. Sometimes life doesn’t quite go the way I planned it to go. But by bending with the winds of change, I adapt to changing circumstances. But even then, that sometimes means I don’t accomplish my New Year’s resolutions. What if I could just lighten up a bit and allow myself to live each moment of every day fully – rather than pressuring myself and forcing change and feeling bad when the change doesn’t happen?

So, this year, my “un-resolution” is to resolve to get out of my own way and trust that the better version of me will come through when it’s ready to do so. I am hoping that taking time off from forcing change through new year’s resolutions will open new doors of discovery for me. And I’m excited! 2019 is going to be the best year yet – a year of incredible growth and evolution!

May the new year add a new beauty and freshness in your hearts.*

Becoming Midwives of Hope

One of the most memorable Christmas sermons that I have heard was preached by the songwriter, activist and pastor, John Bell. He began by asking; “I wonder who among us was once a shepherd?” A quick glance around me didn’t see any hands being raised. We were, after all, sitting in the middle of a large urban area not exactly renowned for its shepherds. Then he asked; “I wonder who among us was once a wise man?”. People began looking slightly uncomfortable, as it didn’t appear by the lack of hands being raised that wisdom was in any more plentiful supply than shepherding skills. He went on with other questions, before there began to be a gradual sense of where these questions were leading. My thoughts were confirmed when he asked; “I wonder who among us had once been the hind legs of the donkey”. So, which nativity characters have you played?

For many people, their introduction to the Christmas story will have been while taking part as a child in a school or church nativity play. For me this annual event was always a highlight of the year, if only for the opportunity to create headscarves out of tea towels, and to challenge each other off stage to duels with our shepherds crooks. The artistic standard wasn’t particularly high in my elementary school. One year, the memory taken away by the audience wasn’t of a fine retelling of the greatest story ever told, but instead of the little girl playing Mary declaring at the top of her voice “this baby isn’t even real” as she looked at the doll in the manger.

The irony of the school nativity play however is that besides the Christ child, there are no children with leading roles in the Christmas story. Many of the characters in the nativity narratives are seniors – Elizabeth, Zechariah, Simeon and Anna have their elderly status clearly underscored often during the account. The Shepherds were certainly not toddlers; and the Magi certainly would not have been considered wise unless they too were old. In these days wisdom did not come through attaining a Ph.D in your mid-twenties. The story of the birth and early years of Jesus’ life center around God expecting and trusting older people to enable new and surprising things to happen. So, if you were once a shepherd or an angel or even the hind legs of the donkey, don’t let Christmas simply be a time for regression therapy…..particularly when now as always, God is looking for older adults to be the midwives for the new ways that love, hope, joy and faith can be born into our world. *

TOWN HALL Recap for December 5, 2018

Rev. David Ragan, Sr. VP of Resident Services, called the meeting to order at 2:15PM, wishing all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous Holiday Season. David also asked residents to be sensitive to those who may have lost a loved one recently or have other reasons to be sad over the holidays. A kind word or deed can make a big difference. He shared the spirit of the holidays by showing some pictures of staff, both now and in previous years. Staff Christmas photo cards from years past of Michelle Just, Joe Kane, Mike Smallwood, Peggy Roberts, Jon Schilling, Barbara Wood and many others brought gales of laughter from residents. How we do change over the years!! David called attention to the Welcome Coffee held the fourth Wednesday of each month, but taking a break in December, with the next Coffee on Wednesday, January 23rd.

Michelle Just, President and CEO, also wished residents happy holidays and provided updates on several items. She thanked residents for their participation in the Holleran Survey and said the findings will be used by Senior Staff, the Board of Directors and others in planning for the future. Michelle also thanked residents for their generosity in raising over $165,000 for the Employee Appreciation Fund. The staff party with be on Friday, December 7th, and employees are very grateful for the money they receive from the Fund. It will definitely make a difference for Christmas. As for the redevelopment, residents have no doubt noticed that the homes along 17th Drive and Myrtle Avenue have been demolished. Abatement will be started tomorrow in regard to the old patio homes. They will not be demolished until sometime in January and residents will be duly notified of the date so that they may party on their balconies. A new name has been given to the Courtyard buildings. It is to be called the Promenade Residences. In response to letters received and rumors, Michelle assured residents that the Mall would not be closing down for this phase of the redevelopment. That will not occur until the Promenade Residences are built 2 ½ years down the road. She has also received word that residents are very happy with the Holiday decorations and she assured us that the Poinsettia tree in the Life Center will remain lovely without watering as the flowers are silk! Michelle asked a favor of residents—that some residents (in their Beatitudes T-shirts) would attend the Alhambra Village Planning meeting on December 18th at the Washington Adult Center. More information will be available in the Roadrunner.

As Barbara Carpenter came forward to report on the Residents Council, David noted that there had been a Barbara Luncheon. Barbara said that 18 Barbaras attended and had a lovely time.

Barbara reported on the November Residents Council Meeting, noting that David Ragan welcomed the Representatives, Committee Chairs, Staff and Residents. He had updates on the demolishing of the new patio home and garden apartment sites, the Community Channel and a new loop system for the Life Center. Bylaws and Elections Chairman, Herb Komnick, reported that the elections went smoothly, each building has elected representatives, and over 60% of independent living residents voted. Dining Services Chair, Pat Dellisanti, shared the mostly positive comments that the committee had received on our dining venues. Bette Henriques, Employee Appreciation Chair, announced that the 2018 fund had broken the previous record and she, too, thanked all who participated so generously. Enviroment Chairmen, Gerald Roseberry, said that servers in Buckwald’s and Elaine’s will be offering water on request as part of our conservation effort. It was approved for the Recycling Sub-Committee to move to the Facilities Committee. Facilities Committee Chairman, Roger Benson, and his committee are working with our Director of Plant Operations on the serviceability and appearance of the campus facilities. Committees reporting in December include Communications, Community Relations, Health and Wellness, Life Enrichment, Spiritual Life and Welcome. Representative, Nils Larson, of Plaza View welcomed new representative, Dick Tucker and reported on happenings there. Kathleen Hall of Plaza South and Hollister Newlin of Central Park South each reported about good things in their buildings and all independent living areas will be celebrating the season with holiday events starting next week. Donna Ellis reported for the newly formed Diversity and Inclusion Action Council, which will be working to promote these values, a part of the Beatitudes Promise. The Residents Council will be appreciating all our 2018 volunteers, electing new officers and seating our new representatives next week so join us for an exciting glimpse into 2019 on Wednesday, December 12th at 2:00PM. Cake and coffee will be served. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN 2018!

Jessica Meyer, Director of Success Matters, announced a Courtney Cookie Send-off to be held on Thursday, December 20th from 10 to 11AM. Courtney Ramos has completed her internship at the Beatitudes and we thank her for her work on Campus and wish her well in her upcoming career as an occupational therapist. Courtney, who has now completed her Master’s Degree, thanked the residents for being so welcoming and expressed her feeling that this is a wonderful community.

Didi Cruz and Monica De La Rosa, Life Enrichment Specialists, combined forces to remind residents of several upcoming opportunities such as the Holiday Light Tour Off Campus on Monday, December 17th and Wednesday, December 19th at 6PM. Call x12905 to reserve your seat. There will be a trip to Organ Stop Pizza on Tuesday, December 18th at 3PM. Organ Stop Pizza accepts CASH ONLY and to join this trip, call 12905 by Friday, December 14th. If you plan on decorating your balcony, and don’t mind having folks stop by around 6PM on weekdays, call Didi at 18473 by Thursday, December 13th. Those who participate will be entered in a raffle to win a $25 gift card. Free gift wrapping is available on Saturday, December 15th from 9AM to 5PM. Volunteers will be available to help wrap your gifts. All supplies are provided and please schedule a time by calling Monica at x18526. If you would like to be a Town Crier, and be available from 8 to 8:20AM to announce the events/classes going on for the day and the following day, and answer questions regarding the events/classes, contact Korry Nelson, Communications and Media Design Specialist at x18493 or talk with a Communications Committee member. You can volunteer for one day a week, or two days a week or whatever you might be able to do.

Michael Smallwood, Fitness Specialist, provided riddles and jokes along with good news about keeping fit. It seems that as Americans continue to live longer, we also are aging better and thriving more in later life. Seniors are more satisfied with their standard of living, worry less about finances, have a significantly higher sense of well-being and have reduced amounts of stress in their lives than their younger counterparts. Hawaii ranks as the #1 state for older Americans well-being, followed by ARIZONA, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Colorado. The least happy states were Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kentucky and West Virginia. So stay here at the Beatitudes and join a workout and wellness class! The B-Fit winner for December is Norma Dieffenbach.

Tena Alonzo, Comfort Matters Director of Education and Research, introduced John Czaplewski, a Doctoral student, whose dissertation project involves the cognitive examination of people at least 90 years old. John said that participating in the project will require 20 to 30 minutes of activities such as puzzles, identifying pictures, remembering a short list of words, drawing pictures and connecting the dots. If residents participate, they will be a part of something that will benefit the care of others, create something new, represent individuals 90 years-old and over and impact the field of Neuropsychology. There is no other research like this in the country. If you are interested in participating in this important study, contact Tena at x16182.

David said that the DirecTV installation is complete and Cox is terminated throughout the campus. If Cox is trying to bill you for the white boxes that were in your apartment, tell them to cease doing so as they are part of the bulk account between Beatitudes Campus and Cox and this does not involve you. Always put in a work order should you have any issues involving your television or internet from now on.

The Arizona Republic is for sale in the Bistro for $2.00 a copy, including Sunday. Remember the Hootenanny takes place each and every Wednesday night in the Life Center. Bring your friends and enjoy the music. Wednesday Sundaes with Dave will take place on December 19th from 2 to 4PM in the Bistro. Enjoy a free yogurt sundae and share your thoughts with David. A big Thank You to Gregory’s Fresh Market for the bags of fruits and vegetables given to residents as they came to Town Hall on Wednesday.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL. The next Town Hall will be at 2:00PM in the Life Center on January 2nd, 2019.

A Casino Christmas

Last Friday the campus Everett Luther Life Center was transformed into Vegas—well not exactly, but staff did enjoy the blackjack, roulette and craps tables that filled the room for this year’s Casino themed Employee Christmas Holiday Party. Fun was had by all who attended, and at the end of the night, four $100 gift certificates and two $250 gift certificates we given to six lucky winners of the evening.

Prior to the casino play, we had the opportunity to hear from Betty Henriques, Chairperson for the Employee Appreciation Committee, as she thanked the staff for their work and Barbara Carpenter, President of Residents Council, who read a beautiful poem written for our staff by Bob Longoni. On behalf of our entire staff, I thank you for your generosity this year in raising a record-breaking $165,000 to distribute to the team members* who live out our our Mission and Core Values each and every day for you. What a difference you make for them as well, especially during the holiday season with your holiday gift!

This special event also allows us to honor the milestone anniversaries for our staff. Please join me congratulating the following team members for their years of service and dedication:

Five Years
Christina Coffman
Angela Duran
Deborah Knaack
Terri Kosmulski
Denise Lenzi-Monson
Yolanda Mendoza
Edward Odom
Nycole Person

Five Years (Cont.)
Melissa Preston
Tiffany Reyes
John Sweeney
Sylvie Tchitchiama
Angela Yepez

Ten Years
Liudmila Bosovski
Mitch Bradshaw
Enrique Creach-Vargas
David Hinsley
Shirley Kendrick
Korry Nelson
Jon Schilling
Lori Wilson

Fifteen Years
Lori Eddings
Maria Flores
Moreen Helean
Sara Keeter
Scott Mardian
Ni Ni Mya

Twenty Years
Tena Alonzo
Kathy Amend
Leona Fox
Jamie Isabelle

Twenty five Years
Mary Long
Mark Trent

Thirty Years
Judy Orlando

Thirty Five Years
Karen Mitchell


The Employee Christmas party allows our team to come together for fun and fellowship as we celebrate our successes of the year. Thank you again for making the staff’s holidays so special.  May your season be merry and bright. *


Holidays and Empty Chairs

‘Tis the season to surround ourselves with friends and family, count our blessings and enjoy the excuse to overindulge in food.  It is a time to take inventory and acknowledge all that is good and sweet and right.  It is about celebrating presence but sometimes what this season is marked by more than anything else—is absence. Pastor John Pavlovitz writes: “Surrounded by noise and activity and life, your eyes and your heart can’t help but drift to that quiet space that now remains unoccupied: the cruel vacancy of the empty chair.  The empty chair is different for everyone, though it is equally intrusive. For some it is a place of a vigil; the persistent hope of a prodigal returning, of a severed tie to soon be repaired, of a long overdue reunion to come. It is a place of painful but patient waiting for what is unlikely, yet still possible.  For some, the chair is a memorial; the stark reminder of what was and no longer is, of that which never will be again. It is a household headstone where we eulogize and grieve and remember; a face we squint to see, a hand we stretch to hold, a voice we strain to hear. This may be the first time the chair has been empty for you, or you may have grown quite accustomed to the subtraction. Either way it hurts.”

I know that hurt as do you.  My father died twenty-one years ago on November 25th, so when my family gathers around the Thanksgiving table every year we are acutely aware of the empty chair which he filled.  The holidays are supposed to be filled with celebration, joy and peace but often they have a way of magnifying loss; reminding us of our incompleteness, our lack, our mourning.  The lessons that the empty chair teaches us are about living in the moment and being thankful for what we have, and about growing through our struggles.  Sometimes we acquire that wisdom and find that healing in our own way and in our own time and sometimes we don’t.  Life is unpredictable and messy that way.  In some way during the holidays, we all sit together gathered around this same incomplete table and one thing we can offer one another is our compassionate presence in the face of the terrible absence.  Pavlovitz suggests that “in this season each of us learns to have fellowship with sadness, to celebrate accompanied by sorrow. This is the paradox of loving and being wounded simultaneously.”  May we each make peace with the holidays and the empty chairs.*

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…

The end of November and early December tends to be the time of year when we start decorating for the holidays.  It is also the time of the year in which we hear more about electrical fires caused by holiday decorations.  Below are some tips from the Electrical Safety Foundation International to help make sure your home and building is safe for the holidays:


Inspect electrical decorations for damage before use. Cracked or damaged sockets, loose or bare wires, and loose connections may cause a serious shock or start a fire.

Do not overload electrical outlets. Overloaded electrical outlets and faulty wires are a common cause of holiday fires. Avoid overloading outlets and plug only one high-wattage into each outlet at a time.

Never connect more than three strings of incandescent lights. More than three strands may not only blow a fuse, but can also cause a fire.

Keep trees fresh by watering daily. Dry trees are a serious fire hazard.

Use battery-operated candles. Candles start almost half of home decoration fires (NFPA-National Fire Protection Association).

Keep combustibles at least three feet from heat sources. A heat sources that was too close to the decoration was a factor in half of home fires that began with decorations (NFPA).

Protect cords from damage. To avoid shock or fire hazards, cords should never be pinched by furniture, forced into small spaces such as doors and windows, placed under rugs, located near heat sources, or attached by nails or staples.

Check decorations for certification label. Decorations not bearing a label from an independent testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), or Intertek (ETL) have not been tested for safety and could be hazardous.

Stay in the kitchen when something is cooking. Unattended cooking equipment is the leading cause of home cooking fires (NFPA).

Turn off, unplug, and extinguish all decorations when going to sleep or leaving the house. Unattended candles are the cause of one in five home candle fires. Half of home fire deaths occur between the hours of 11PM and 7AM (NFPA).

In addition to the tips from ESFI, please remember to ensure any cords and decorations are not tripping hazards or hazards for pets and children. We want you to enjoy the holidays and it never hurts to have reminders about safety.  If you have any concerns about your holiday decorations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Maintenance and place a work request to have them inspected.


Wishing you all safe and happy holidays!*

Success Matters 2018 Year In Review

This year kept us busy—join us on a tour of highlights below:

We welcomed Occupational Therapy interns from A.T. Still University and NAU. Laura Milligan, Brian Keene, and Courtney Ramos each contributed to our Campus in their own ways. An extra “thank you” to Campus Residents for welcoming these young professionals into your homes and your lives.

We joined forces with Resident Services and Comfort Matters in our five-part Summer Series “Behind the Curtain”, which benefitted greatly from resident input.

We travelled to San Francisco for the American Society on Aging Conference.

Jessica participated in the leadership training with the Nollau Institute, and continues to be involved with the Caregiver Support Group; Better Breathers; Low Vision Support; Grief Support; and Accessibility Committee.

Josephine continues volunteering as a Medicare counselor with Area Agency on Aging, and completed her Assisted Living Manager Certification.

We continued our own staff training with our SimulAge experience, expanding it to quarterly trainings with new staff from across Campus.

We provided resident driver screenings with the help of NAU OT students, partnered with AARP to offer the Safer Driving Course, and presented Down the Road: Driving Decisions and  Alternate Transportation Options.

We partnered with the Health Services Advisory Group to offer a Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) for residents, staff, and community members.

Educational offerings this year included Safer Stepping; A Matter of Balance; Financial Resources 101; Scam Awareness; Life Planning Documents; National Healthcare Decision Making Day; Medicare ABCs; and GoGo Grandparent / Transportation Alternatives.

We spoke at the Desert Christian Fellowship Luncheon about services on and off Campus.

We presented to Valley Leadership members about aging issues and how businesses might  address them.

We were hosted by Plaza South at their Spring Party, and had a great evening visiting with our 19North neighbors.

We hosted the Crisis Network to educate employees about how Network services can aid residents and staff.

Health and Wellness Committee partnerships included Blue Zones for Healthy Living; End of Life Planning Panel; and treating pain with Alternative/Integrative Medicine.

Thanks to the residents who work so closely with the Spay/Neuter Hotline to identify and trap cats on Campus.

We are looking forward to 2019 and the joy of the coming year!

Interested in getting monthly email updates from Success Matters, or in sharing our news with family? Send or call Josephine with the email address you would like added to our list! *

Finding Healing in Our Scars

This past week the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, celebrated his 70th birthday. I was reading an interview with The Prince which quoted him as saying that his birthday had brought him to the realization that he had reached a Biblical threshold, referring to the 90th Psalm: “The days of our age are threescore years and ten”. In reflecting on his own aging, Prince Charles described himself as having being prompted to examine “the scars’ of life which in different ways we all bear”. Those scars are perhaps the memories of things we wish we hadn’t done but can’t now do much about. Perhaps they are thoughts of things which we now wish we had done, apologies that we wish we had made, things left unsaid.

Many of Charles’ scars have been born under public scrutiny, and although the same cannot be said for most of us, none of us are impervious to picking up a few scars and scrapes along the way.

Reflecting on a similar theme, columnist Alexandra Heather Foss, wrote recently “I struggle because huge chunks of my life have not been beautiful. They have been ugly, marred by trauma, with pain, and anger… however I see beauty in the grace point between what hurts and what heals, between the shadow of tragedy and the light of joy. That way I find beauty and healing in my scars. We all have scars, inside and out. We have freckles from sun exposure, emotional trigger points, broken bones, and broken hearts. We have lived, and have the marks to prove it.”

Prince Charles was clearly mindful of a similar sentiment as he celebrated his threescore years and ten, but the ninetieth psalm which he quoted goes on to include a prayer following that reflection; ‘So teach us to number our days: that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom’.

As we all continue on our journey of life and take our own next steps in the pilgrimage of aging, let us all join in that prayer. As we number our days may we be mindful of our scars and discern in them opportunities for healing and growth as we reflect on how to apply our hearts unto wisdom.*

Busy Bees Bazaar Recap & Thank You

Congratulations to our raffle drawing winners!

Roslyn Schulz—winner of the Clown Picture
Fleurette Gauthier—winner of the Ceramic Basket
Lucille Goodwin—winner of a Artistic toothpick design. 

Thank you to our many contributors to this year’s sale—some of which include: Patty Shaw (off campus volunteer), Peggy Simon (resident),Altene Goodwin (seamstress), Katie Nelson (resident, baked goods), Donna Dowd(resident), Pat Dellisanti. If we’ve missed anyone, we truly appreciate all those who have donated items and goodies and taken time to help us. We raised $1,621.19! Thank you again to all!

They will be taking some time off after buzzing around all year in preparation for their annual sale.  The group will resume meeting in January. For any questions call Didi at x18473.

The Power of Blessings

The tent has come down and the red carpet is rolled up, but we are basking in the afterglow of Power of the Purse 2018. It was a phenomenal success in every way possible! As the signature fund-raising and friends-raising event forth campus, Power of the Purse transformed the campus into a fun and festive atmosphere on Sunday afternoon. A community of nearly 400 passionate and highly engaged guests created connections with residents and staff and supported the campus with the power of their donations. Everywhere I looked, people were having fun. There was abundant laughter. Residents, staff and volunteers made our guests feel at home and extended such gracious hospitality. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Even though we are still counting the donations, we raised more than $222,000. This year is our eighth year of producing this event, and we have raised nearly one million dollars for the campus over these eight years. Why do we do it every year? We do it for you, our residents! All the proceeds we raise from Power of the Purse support initiatives and programs for the campus, such as our commitment to assist residents who may be in need of financial help because they have outlived their own personal assets. Proceeds also help advance our resident programs, to help ensure that you have the greatest opportunity for living life at the highest potential.

Power of the Purse is a premier example of the campus at its best! It was a joy to see so many of our residents attending and participating on Sunday! Special thanks goes to our resident storytellers—Eileen Bell, Dosia Carlson, Barbara Glenn and Margaret Stewart. Did you enjoy our residents and staff modeling our purses? It may be that Joannie Bailey, Rita Calbom, Michelle Just, Chef Cosmin and Ray Gonzales are  all headed for new careers!

I’d like to thank my talented and dedicated staff, Ray Gonzales and Linda Travis, who dreamed, designed and orchestrated a spectacular day for us. Cheers to every department on campus who also played an integral role in making the day a success. Team Beatitudes never ceases to amaze me by going the extra mile for Power of the Purse.

I am extremely grateful to our event guests and to the 31 sponsors who provided such generous support to the campus.  I am honored that our Title Sponsors, Blue Cross Blue Shield Arizona and The Weitz Company, and our Red Carpet and Partner Sponsors, Angell Marketing, Morrison Community Living, Orcutt|Winslow and JP Griffin Group, have faithfully supported the campus in a multitude of ways.

Hats off to the Power of the Purse Steering Committee, co-chaired by Monique Bontrager and Jennifer McKee. This dedicated group worked all year to secure donations of designer purses and other auction items to make this day a great success. A special thanks goes to Nancy Stouffer, our purse guru, who has championed the campus for years.

This week is Thanksgiving week, where we reflect on the blessings we have been given. I have so many blessings, but it is you – the residents of Beatitudes Campus – that provide me with inspiration every day to make a difference. Thank you for your support in so many ways, but most of all, thank you for lighting our passion to continue to do the work we love and the work that matters. On behalf of the Beatitudes Campus leadership and staff, we give you our thanks for being part of Beatitudes Campus and for helping us live out our mission and values. Indeed, we are all blessed.*

Veterans Week Recap & November Upcoming Events

Veteran’s week started as an annual event on campus three years ago. We knew as staff that one day of honoring our Veterans was not enough and we wanted to do more. A special day within the week is our Veterans Ball. The ball includes a 12-piece band, three course meal and lots of dancing.It is admirable to see our Veterans gather in one place on a special occasion and hear them converse about their time in the service. Two gentleman from mutable came to realize that they had been on the same ship with one another while doing two different jobs and in two different branches. Hearing them walkabout the ship, their surroundings and how they prayed day in and day out for those around them, I could only imagine myself in the scene they were portraying. Every year I watch our Veterans stand up proudly for the sacrifices they have made for our country and that image will forever stay fresh in my mind. You never know ones story until you sit down with one another and listen. Some stories are less intense than others but each one of these brave men and women played a vital role in the freedoms that we have today. Thank you doesn’t seem to be a strong enough statement for what you Veterans have done but I have a grateful heart for everything you have put on the line for myself and those who live freely in America. With a grateful heart, I cannot wait to celebrate Veterans week again next year with you.

Herbert Lunchtime theater will be presenting Snow Queen.During this trip, you will bring your lunch to eat while in the theater before the show begins. Ticket price for the show is $7.00. You can purchase your boarding pass at the Welcome Center. Deadline to sign up is Monday, December 3rd. For any questions call Didi at x18473.

We will be heading to Barleen’s Arizona Opry for their Home for the Holidays show! Ticket prices range from $37-$42. Your ticket includes full meal including a HUGE piece of chocolate cake and the show. Barleen’s is family-owned and each member of the family is either entertaining, cooking or working the lights, videos etc. You will not want to miss their amazing Christmas show and great food! If you are interested in attending the show,call Didi at x18473 to put your name on the list. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday,December 4th.

Our annual Holiday Light Tour will take place on Monday,December 17th and Wednesday, December 19th at 6PM. Call x12905 to put your nameon the list for either day until the bus is full. For questions, call Transportation at x16135. Our annual Holiday Light Tour will take place on Monday, December 17th and Wednesday,December 19th at 6PM. Call x12905 to put your name on the list for either day until the bus is full. For questions, call Transportation at x16135.

If you are interested in taking part in our first ever craft sale, call Didi at x18473. The sale will be taking place on Monday,December 10 from 10AM -2PM outdoors. Therefore, you will want to plan accordingly for chilly weather. There will be a $20/table fee. For any questions, call Didi at x18473.*

The Quiet Place

The Spiritual Life Department invites you to come and discover our new room that is dedicated to meditation and reflection.  As resident Irene Cool shares, “It is for those who need a few minutes to be alone with whomever they believe to be their Supreme Being…..or to just be alone for that matter.  It is for the ones who take care of others until sometimes they feel tired and overwhelmed.  It is for you and me to simply have a placebo reflect on the presence of the Holy Spirit with quiet concentration. It is for those who ask for divine inspiration and guidance on how to provide for others in their different stages of need and only have a few minutes to do that.  It is a praying place.”  It is a place which will engage your senses or allow you time to enjoy the silence. It is a place to escape from or escape to.

You ask, “Where is this place?”  It may take a little intention to find it but once you find the Life Center you are very close.  You can get to it from within the Life Center and there is also an outside entrance. Once you are in the Life Center you will see double doors up front on the left and the Quiet Place is through those doors.  For now it will be open 8:30AM to 2:30PM but we are working on making it available for more hours.  Come find Chaplain Andrew, me, or our Admin.Assistant, Kimberly, whose office is across from The Quiet Place and we will be happy to help you find it.  Resident shave been asking for this kind of space for quiet and reflection for a longtime and we are happy to have it available now. *