Beatitudes Community

Out of Care and Compassion: Behind every Mask

Beatitudes Campus was created out of care and compassion and today our actions are proof of this fact.  You are giving a beautiful gift in recognizing the health vulnerabilities, visible or not, that put your neighbors at risk. You are saving lives and preventing suffering through the simple act of wearing a mask today.  Thank you for this. 

Wonderfully Made

There is nothing like turning to the Psalms to find eloquent, beautiful verse. Psalm 139 is one of my favorites and the line that always rises above the rest is where the Psalmist says: You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) Do you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you know the profound worth of your soul and that there is an astounding splendor in you? Our world is populated by people of every race, status, and age, all yearning to feel worth and value. Whether an orphaned, poverty-stricken child in Africa, a prostitute in Thailand, a military officer in Russia, or an executive on Wall Street – every soul searches for true significance. Often times, however, our search leads us to all the wrong places. We try to find our worth in economic status, acceptance by peers, or a sense of special accomplishment. Inevitably we discover that net worth does not produce self-worth. Acceptance by friends does not equate to well-being within. Comparing favorably with others does not produce peace with ourselves.

St. Augustine said, “Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.” Isn’t it incredible that of the 7.9 billion people in the world, not one of us is exactly like any other?! Some are tall. Some are short. Some are wide. Some are narrow. Some have thick hair. Some have thin hair. Some have light skin. Some have dark skin. Like snowflakes, all are unique and have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Unfortunately, there is a lot of money spent on changing what God has fearfully and wonderfully made. Even amid the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 Americans spent 9 billion dollars on cosmetic surgery. American pop singer Lada Gaga says, “Baby, you were born this way.” Each and every one of us was born fearfully and wonderfully made. You carry within you something ineffable, something that Christianity names being made in the image of God, and which Buddhism names the potential Buddha-nature of all people and which is expressed in the Hindu greeting, Namaste–that which is divine in me honors what is divine in you. Know your profound worth and recognize the divine spark in each other.

Resident Assistance Fund

The Resident Assistance Fund provides scholarships to Beatitudes Campus residents who have outlived their resources and need assistance meeting the full cost of their housing and healthcare. Planned giving is an arranged gift which will mature to benefit the campus over time. For more information, please contact Barbara Wood, Director of Development at 602-995-6136 (or x16136 on campus phone).

State of the Campus

Dear Beatitudes Community,

In our continued pledge of transparency, I am reaching out to you today to let you know that we have had two fully vaccinated people – one is a part-time staff member and one is a contracted nurse practitioner – test positive for COVID-19. They both had mild symptoms. We have done contact tracing with the residents with whom they had interaction, and, with our increased monitoring, no residents have shown symptoms.

The Delta variant is 60% more transmissible than the original strain of the coronavirus. We do know that there have been reported breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated people. The good news is that the virus in most cases is mild and hospitalization and death among the fully vaccinated people are extremely low. Health experts do say that being vaccinated is the best defense against the Delta variant.

Arizona, with its vaccination rate below 50%, ranks seventh in the nation with the most cases of COVID-19. The state’s seven-day average for new cases is the highest since mid-March and more than double the average from two weeks ago. The Delta variant is the dominant strain in Arizona. With the continued transmission of the virus, it will continue to replicate and create a higher risk that it could mutate into an even more deadly variant.

The good news is that 98% of our residents are vaccinated and 73% of are staff are vaccinated. That’s quite an accomplishment! During this past month, we have held 52 “vaccine conversations” with staff to help separate myths from science.

So please, if you aren’t vaccinated, consider getting your vaccine so that we can end this pandemic once and for all.

Stay safe.

My best,
Michelle Just, President and CEO

Every Last Drop

The movement towards a better way of dying focuses on not only our physical selves (“how can we help you be more comfortable?”) but also our social selves (“what is important to you in the days, weeks, months ahead?”) our emotional selves (“who do you need to talk to? What remains unsaid?”) and our spiritual selves (“what supports you spiritually at this time?”)

Seeking a BINGO Caller in Plaza View

If you’ve ever visited bingo in Plaza View, then you’ll know just how important a bingo caller can be. They’re responsible for more than just calling out numbers, they keep the players happy, and they make sure the game runs as smoothly as possible. Come join in on the fun and be our B-I-N-G-O Caller, you are sure to have a great time. If interested in volunteering for this opportunity, contact Didi at x18526.

Metering Package Postage

The Welcome Center staff would like to announce some changes when it comes to mailing packages and our new postage meter. The USPS has changed the way the meter figures the postage on packages. Unlike our last machine it only went by weight; however, our new one is both weight and size. With that, we would like to encourage the use of flat rate shipping boxes (small, medium, and large) as they can be cheaper than using regular boxes and to help bypass the input of dimensions making the process quicker. We are happy to provide any size box we have available without charge aside for the postage.

As a reminder, the USPS has announced increased postage rates starting August 29th.

List of price increase:

  • Standard Letters: .58
  • Metered Letter: .53
  • Postcards: .40
  • Certified Mail: 3.75
  • Return Receipt: 3.05

Our Joy That Hath No End

A Happy Easter to you all! It was wonderful to join with others in our Campus community at our Campus Easter Sunrise Service this year as we heard and rejoiced in prayer and praise; “Jesus Christ is ris’n today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!”

June Town Hall Recap

David Ragan, Sr. Vice-President of Resident Services, called the meeting to order at 2:15PM, welcoming the residents in attendance and congratulating two residents who were at Town Hall for the first time. David said that he had always had a fascination for Dick Van Dyke and he showed a video of Dick, at age 90, enjoying a dance routine. The active, spry Dick Van Dyke is an inspiration to us all.

Barbara Carpenter, Residents Council President, reported on the May Council Meeting. David Ragan urged residents to stay hydrated during the summer; asked that problems or issues in a building be reported to the building representatives; noted that 17 patio homes are under contract; and asked residents to be respectful of our staff people. Community Relations Chairman, Gene Lefebvre, reported that 5 students from Washington High School were awarded $500 scholarships thanks to the great support of residents. Marc Adelman, Chairman of the Communications Committee, said his committee continues to evaluate a better hearing system and will be discussing mailbox options for the independent living buildings. Health and Wellness Chairperson, Ruth Crowley, said that the second spring seminar was well attended and important issues were addressed. Life Enrichment Interim Chairperson, Sherwin Block, urged residents to check the Community Channel and the Roadrunner for the many activities coming up this month, and he outlined a plan for expanded transportation services for residents through the transportation subcommittee. Paul Kelley, Spiritual Life Chairman, presented heartfelt thanks from our resident theologians, Michael Down and Connie Barlow, for a wonderful month with us. Welcome Committee Chair, Char Telleen, explained how her volunteers make new residents welcome by partnering for lunch, tours and information, and she encouraged residents to attend the monthly Welcome Coffee. Senior Area Representatives, Lois Pfau of Plaza North, Robert Berry of Central Park West, and Martha Trout of Central Park North/Patio Homes, reported on their current building activities. Residents asked about logos for our buses which are coming, and were advised that the Life Center is available for walking from 6:00 to 8:00AM daily. Dogs on leashes are permitted. Please see Barbara Carpenter or any of the committee chairs for more information or join a committee and make a difference in the Beatitudes community. The next Residents Council Meeting will be on Wednesday, August 8th, at 2:00PM in the Life Center.

Rod Bailey, Sr. Vice-President of Sales & Marketing, said that as of today, 20 out of the 34 patio homes have been sold. He noted that the atmosphere of camaraderie here at Beatitudes Campus is important to prospective new residents and sets us apart from some of the other communities. Beatitudes Campus Resident Referral Program is back in business with the opportunity for residents and family members to earn $1,000 for a first referral, $1,250 for a second referral, and $1,500 for a third referral. Call marketing at x18467 about any prospective residents and be sure to fill out a referral form.

Josephine Levy, Resource Navigator for Success Matters, talked about the seminars being held every Tuesday through July 3rd, at 2:00PM in AGR. The seminars cover Policies and Resources, Levels of Care, and a Q and A panel of Assisted Living and Health Care team members to address questions that may not have been answered in previous sessions. Josephine advised that residents should not be concerned about the need for a new AZ Travel ID Card as these cards will not be required until October 1st of 2020, 28 months away. Residents and family members who would like to receive the Success Matters email Newsletter each month should call Josephine at x16117 or email her at [email protected].

Joe Kane, Dining Services Director, said that Executive Chef, Brian Rocco has left the campus and we welcome back as our new Executive Chef, Cosmin Barbu. Chef Barbu worked here for 15 years, left to become a Sous Chef and now returns as our Executive Chef. He will be introduced to residents at the August Town Hall meeting. Joe reported that more feedback is being received from the Kiosks. They are mostly self-explanatory, but instructions on their use are available on the in-house video. Residents were urged to type in comments on the feedback to help dining staff understand why a thumbs down was given. Kitchen tours are still being given every Saturday at 2:00PM through October. Sign up for a tour in the Bistro and have a good look behind the scenes.

David reported that after careful research of all the providers, DirecTV has been chosen, and the transition will be coming in August. Beatitudes Campus will provide DirecTV’s top tier service level, including all of the movie channels like HBO, STARZ, TMC, and SHOWTIME. We will provide for two hookups per apartment and the DirecTV boxes. This will all be included with your monthly service fee at no additional cost to you. DVR’s will also be available for those who want them for approximately $10 per month. It should result in a significant monthly savings if you are currently using more services from our current provider.

Speaking for the Life Enrichment Committee, Sherwin Block, said the Life Enrichment Committee meets for an hour each month to plan events. Let Didi or Monica know if you would be interested in working with this committee.

David reminded residents of the opportunities for service available through the Beatitudes CAREcorps. Volunteers can walk dogs, feed pets, change cat litter, hand out flyers, host events, help neighbors, etc. There are many opportunities for service that encourage inclusivity and inspire purposeful aging. Call Didi or Monica to join CAREcorp and start volunteering. David also reminded residents of the opportunity to be VIP Guides or to be a guided person. Volunteers can take residents to and from campus activities, giving their regular caretakers a needed break to run errands or just take a nap. To sign up, call Monica at x18526 or stop by the office to fill out a form.

Tena Alonzo, Director of Comfort Matters, introduced Evelyn Sowell, LeadingAge Arizona Volunteer of the Year. Evelyn has contributed more than 6,000 hours of service to the Comfort Matters Dementia Care Education program and has served as a mentor to the Comfort Matters team. Tena said that Evelyn has helped to create wonderful curriculum that is used across the nation and throughout the world. She has spent much of her career guiding teachers on the best ways to teach others. Evelyn told residents that the Comfort Matters staff was easy to work with and her advice for everyone is to find something to love and do it. David noted that the campus would not be where it is today without volunteers.

Bob Telleen, LifeLong Learning Committee member, said that there would be a LifeLong Learners Film Festival on August 23rd and 24th in the Life Center. Movies will show at 9:30AM and 1:00PM. Cost of the movies is free, but residents will soon be able to purchase buffet lunch tickets for each day if they wish to. More publicity will be coming soon.

Mike Smallwood, Fitness Specialist, reported that the LeadingAge Arizona Fitness Challenge for Seniors would be Wednesday, November 7th this year. Mike hopes to add the corn hole toss and darts to the list of challenges which include basketball bounce, competitive walking, obstacle course, and Wii bowling. More specific details will be available at future Town Hall meetings. The Tai Chi Class meets with Jack Mathews every Wednesday at 4:00PM in the Recreation Room. The Life Center is open from 6:00 to 8:00AM daily through October for morning walks. The B-Fit winner for June is Nils Larson. Residents were treated to an inspiring video of Ida Keeling, a 102-year-old runner who defies age to set world records. She is the 2018 Fitness Award recipient. Her advice is for everyone to be active and get up and do something!

Keep watching the Community Channel 1960. All the latest information is posted there, so be in-the-know!! Also, our free WiFi is now accessible by using the password—“bcsummer” and will change on the first day of each new season to the season itself—bcfall, bcwinter and bcspring.

David thanked Gregory’s Market for bringing nutritious produce for residents and staff to purchase. We are grateful to them for their service.

There will be no Town Hall in July. We will take a little breather and come back rejuvenated on August 1st.