Beatitudes Community

State of the Campus – July 24

346 staff tested negative and nine tested positive. Eight of those nine staff remain asymptomatic and show no symptoms of COVID-19; however, because they carried the disease, they could spread it. These staff are currently in quarantine at their homes and monitored daily. Yesterday, July 23, we continued our weekly testing of approximately 245 direct care staff and support personnel, and plan to do that weekly at least for the next few weeks. We will continue to do biweekly mass testing for all campus staff and the next testing date is next Thursday, July 30.

Our Leaders’ Journey

If you had a hard time finding any of our campus supervisors, managers, directors and executives last Monday, It’s because I had them all, 62 of them to be exact, in the Life Center for a two-hour meeting to kick off a new initiative on leadership development.

It has been a priority of mine to establish a consistent and regular program for developing our leaders. Through ATLAS, a capacity-building grant we received from the Piper Charitable Trust, I am excited to announce that we were able to start this program this year. My vision for this group is to gather as a whole two to three times a year for full-day summits on the various aspects of leadership, while subsets of the group—whether they be by department or management level—will convene throughout the year, working on leadership competencies and management issues.

At the kickoff last Monday, the group had fun learning about each other’s personality types and how that plays into our interactions with each other. The next gathering will be a full-day retreat held in August on two different days to ensure proper management coverage and will focus on the six critical practices for leading a team. I chose that topic because the manager and employee relationship is a key component of staff retention and therefore the heart of our service to you.   This program is going to guide campus leaders in how to best motivate and support employees for professional growth while also teaching them how to provide productive feedback to enhance the employee performance.

Additionally, each campus leader will have access to online leadership content on a variety of different topics to support her or his leadership journey. The content is on-demand and offered in a variety of formats and time windows to enhance your leadership, management and supervisory skills.

A leader’s journey is never complete. It is important to me to continually grow as a leader, as well as help those around me do the same.   It is also my proud duty as CEO to prepare our organization’s team for the next step in their career, whether it be here at the campus or another company.

I am so excited about what this leadership program will do for all of our leaders and for the campus collectively. I look forward to our summits in August and as always, I would love to hear your feedback, as residents, as you observe our leadership culture evolving.*

Points of Pride

Empowered power.

Dosia Carlson & Mim Hoover

Some of the most powerful people I know are living right here at Beatitudes Campus.  I stand back in awe of how, when asked to take responsibility for some aspect of our community’s growth, a vision that once seemed grand soon pales in comparison to what the resident(s) actually create.  A few weeks back, at the Arizona LeadingAge Conference (an organization that unites non-profit communities like ours), there was a powerful exhibition of purpose, power and empowerment – and it was by our very own Beatitudes Center for Lifelong Learners.

Dosia Carlson and Mim Hoover, with the help of Nell Bennett, who was not able to be present, put together a presentation, aptly titled, Success Story.  It wowed the administrators from the other communities who sat in on their workshop.  In the workshop, the participants learned how, when residents in a community like ours, are given a task to create, that the sky becomes the only limit, far surpassing what any one staff person could ever create or do.  The resident-run, Lifelong Learners Team, have created, not only a success story of a program in terms of number of participants and diversity of class options, but have impacted the lives of almost all those who participate and  have been given a sense of purpose in creating excellence.

As I said at the beginning, we have not a resident on Campus who is not gifted with immense power and talent.  The true sign of a successful community is how capable is it in empowering its members to be free to use their gifts toward the betterment of the entire community.  The ultimate job of administration in a community like ours is to facilitate the freedom to excel, and clear the path for creativity and ingenuity for any resident ready to take our community even further toward our goal.

I can testify for our administration that few things are    more gratifying than seeing our residents work together with us to accomplish great  things, making our community innovative and on the cutting edge of our field.  More and more of you are taking leadership roles and bringing great transformation to us with visions and ideas that we as staff would never come up with.  To just name a few –  the Environment Committee, the Garden Club, the Recycling Program, our English Language Assistance program, the resident’s Life Enrichment Team who plan our outings and activities and that is just the beginning.

You are leaders and models for senior communities, and I thank you for being a point of pride (and also for letting us boast a bit to our competitors) when it comes to residents with power and purpose lived out.

Plan Now to Make More Possible Tomorrow

Happy New Year to all of you – residents, staff, partners! This is the time of year when we are more mindful about reflecting on our life and our world. New Year’s reflections often remind us to do more of what works – the right things – and less of what doesn’t work.

We now have turned the page on 2016 and are ready to begin a new chapter. With a new year also comes new resolve to think about tomorrow today. What are we truly passionate about? How can we make a difference? How can we be better servant leaders? What organizations or causes do we care about to devote our personal resources of money, time and energy? The list of projects and endeavors we want to be involved in is probably long and varied, but making such a list will help us to think about where we want to place our energy and resources.

You – the residents, staff, family and friends – devote much time, talent and treasure to Beatitudes Campus, through your volunteering, leadership and charitable gifts to many of the campus initiatives, to programs and to the Resident Assistance Fund. I am humbled by your generosity. Thank you!

The start of a new year can also be a signal for us to begin to make plans for future charitable gifts. With a planned gift, you can create a lasting legacy of support and help the campus continue to provide excellent opportunities and services for generations to come. Every day, Beatitudes Campus, along with our residents and friends, are expanding the boundaries of what’s possible through programs that connect us through our mind, body and spirit. We support programs that exercise our minds as well as our bodies, and programs that help us to expand our campus into the community. One of the driving forces behind these programs is you. You make things possible today, and tomorrow, with planned charitable giving. Planning now makes more possible tomorrow.

There are many different types of planned giving options. You can help ensure the future of Beatitudes Campus programming and innovation in a way that works for you. Cash contributions are always appreciated, and there are other creative and flexible options that can benefit you and Beatitudes Campus. There are many ways to make a significant impact through a planned gift – you can consider making a gift that costs nothing in your lifetime through a charitable bequest under your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation. An easy way to include Beatitudes Campus in your estate plan is to name Beatitudes Campus Foundation as a beneficiary of your donor advised fund, retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy. Planned gifts can also give back—and can help you prepare for your future. They can provide income for you and your loved ones for life. They can also allow you to take income, gift and estate tax deductions and can provide favorable capital gains tax treatment. Planned gifts allow you to leave a legacy for future generations.

All people who have made a bequest or other type of planned gift are invited to join the Culver H. Nelson Founder’s Society at Beatitudes Campus. It’s our way of recognizing you and thanking you for your generosity and for ensuring the future success of Beatitudes Campus. If you have made such a gift, we want to know and recognize you, so please let me know. Throughout the next year, we will offer some workshops on gift planning to help you with your options. In the meantime, I’d love to talk to you. Of course, you will want to talk to your financial or tax adviser also. Feel free to stop by and talk with me about any kind of charitable giving. Please contact me in the Foundation Office (x16136 or stop by the South building – our office is next to Oasis Therapy).

So, let’s turn the page to our next chapter. Exciting possibilities await in 2017!

The “Grit Scale”

It was my great privilege and pleasure to attend the national LeadingAge conference last week in Indianapolis, Indiana. There were more than 6,500 like-minded professionals there to listen, learn, share best practices and validate many of the ideas and programs about what makes senior living the career that I love. It was incredibly valuable for me to hear about how other life plan communities are approaching social media, their “digital profile” and how they are creating new formulas for more successful senior living. I was particularly impressed with listening to Dr. Angela Duckworth talk about the subject of “grit.” Do you remember that movie—True Grit? At the time, we knew that John Wayne was the essence of what our folks had told us it took to get through tough times and last through the challenges. But that was a western—and a movie. Plenty of you have had to demonstrate real life “true grit” to succeed in careers, raise children, sustain through hard economic times and persevere when family has passed away or maybe passed us by.

Before she was a psychology professor, Angela Duckworth taught math in middle school and high school. She spent a lot of time thinking about something that might seem obvious: The students who tried hardest did the best, and the students who didn’t try very hard didn’t do very well. Duckworth wanted to know: What is the role of effort in a person’s success?

Now Duckworth is an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and her research focuses on a personality trait she calls “grit.” She defines grit as “sticking with things over the very long term until you master them.” In a paper, she writes that “the gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina.”

I found that very interesting in light of what I know from many seniors over the years of my profession about how they have succeeded in spite of anything and everything. Many of you here on the Beatitudes Campus have been educators, and skilled professionals with life’s ups and downs—challenges, joys, highs and lows. And you are here—you got through it all with aplomb and became heroes to admirers like me.

Duckworth’s research suggests that when it comes to high achievement, grit may be as essential as intelligence. That’s a significant finding because for a long time, intelligence was considered the key to success.

Intelligence “is probably the best-measured trait that there is in all of human psychology,” says Duckworth. “We know how to measure intelligence in a matter of minutes.”

But intelligence leaves a lot unexplained. There are smart people who aren’t high achievers, and there are people who achieve a lot without having the highest test scores. In one study, Duckworth found that smarter students actually had less grit than their peers who scored lower on an intelligence test. This finding suggests that, among the study participants (all students at an Ivy League school) people who are not as bright as their peers “compensate by working harder and with more determination.” And their effort pays off: The grittiest students—not the smartest ones—had the highest GPAs.

Duckworth went on to tell us about her “Grit Scale.” Someday I think we’ll form a lifelong learners class solely dedicated to this very interesting measurement and topic.

Duckworth has developed a test called the “Grit Scale.” You rate yourself on a series of 8 to 12 items. Two examples: “I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge” and “Setbacks don’t discourage me.” It’s entirely self-reported, so you could game the test, and yet what Duckworth has found is that a person’s grit score is highly predictive of achievement under challenging circumstances.

At the elite United States Military Academy, West Point, a cadet’s grit score was the best predictor of success in the rigorous summer training program known as “Beast Barracks.” Grit mattered more than intelligence, leadership ability or physical fitness. This time of the year, I think of the more than 100 veterans who live on this campus and I see the result of authentic grit.

At the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the grittiest contestants were the most likely to advance to the finals — at least in part because they studied longer, not because they were smarter or were better spellers.

Here’s a very interesting dichotomy. The charter schools which have really taken hold here in Arizona have succeeded in providing strong academic preparation. Most of their students go to college. Yet the students graduate from college at lower rates than would be expected based on their academic preparation.

The charter schools want to know why that is. Angela Duckworth wants to know if grit has anything to do with it.

These are complicated questions, and the answers aren’t in yet. I suspect that there are a number of things to think about before jumping to the conclusion that students who don’t finish college aren’t gritty. What I do know is that whenever I need a little grit boosting infusion, I go to the Bistro and engage in conversation with some of the grittiest people I know—you inspire, you teach, you gently coax me with sometimes praise, sometimes suggestions, sometimes just pure friendship.

I would love for us to focus on the populace here at Beatitudes Campus with that “grit spotlight” and really examine the factors that led to success in spite of what many of you have disclosed were significantly tough times through careers, family rearing and economic challenges. I believe there is much to be learned from each other and I am so glad that we hold that as a core value here—life-long learning that inspires, challenges and sustains. We are indeed so rich when we allow each other in the fellowship that so obviously thrives on this campus.

By the way, we’ve had enough grit to wait through the process of our First Impressions/Operation Welcome upgrades to finally play out. All of the new furniture, accessories and case goods will be delivered to campus on December 7th – 9th. It will be quite a “ballet” as we move existing items around, send some to the Backstreet Boutique and retire other pieces. Thanks for hanging in there as we have worked through the process!

Are You the Boss?

In 2014 I had the pleasure of being part of the National LeadingAge Leadership Academy. When I was accepted, I remember thinking that I got myself in over my head! I was never the boisterous over-the-top type of person, who could walk into a group and take over the conversation with some profound advice or quote a textbook from a PHD author.  I was the person who sat back, listened, made eye contact with the person who was talking and tried my best to take in everything that was going on in the room. In my head, I thought that being a leader meant you had to be the loudest and smartest person in the room. This may work for some but not for me – so I would not speak up or talk over others. I found out during the Leadership Academy that being a leader had nothing to do with being loud but everything to do with being authentic. Understanding that concept of authenticity truly shaped me in my “Leadership Style” today. I read an article entitled “Are you the Boss” while at the Leadership Academy and it helped me out and I hope that some of you are able to get something out of it as well.

Are You the Boss?

“I’m the Boss!”

Does the statement sound familiar to you? Is this what you would say to get your people to listen to you? If it is, I’m afraid this does not augur well for your leadership. It’s as if having to tell your children “I’m your father!” so that they would respect you as a parent. Something is missing in the link.

In the definition of Lao Tzu:1437418340977

“The best leaders are those the people hardly know exist. The next best is a leader who is loved and praised. Next comes the one who is feared. The worst one is the leader that is despised.  From the Tao’s perspective, leadership style at its best is so naturally that the people hardly know that the leaders exist. The people follow without thinking that they are following.

This does not mean that such leaders are always pleasing and disarming. They can be tough; or even much tougher than the other leaders. The key point is that they are able to harness the nature of their people, resulting in the people following willingly and wholeheartedly. The best leaders know how nature works in people.

According to Tao, you can make nature work for you if the combination of three critical elements is right: time, space and relationship. So long as one of the elements is not right, nature works against you. Let’s take timing for an example.  As a leader, there are occasions when you can get things done immediately. There are nevertheless also occasions when you simply have to wait.  You are sometimes like a hunter spotting a prey. You take out the rifle, aim, and shoot. Lo and behold, you’ve got the game! The result is immediate; because the element of timing coincides with that of space and relationship.

You are sometimes like a farmer. You till the soil, plant the seeds, water the seedlings — and yet nothing happens. There is no immediate result, because the timing does not coincide with the space and relationship. You will have to wait. It can be months before you can reap the fruits; while working on the other two elements – the space and relationship – to make the harvest possible when the timing becomes right.

In both cases, you will have to respect the element of timing. Whether you should act fast or wait patiently is not decided by you. It is decided by nature. Leaders become frustrated if they don’t understand this. Many leaders want things to happen immediately– almost yesterday – without giving room for timing, space and relationship to mature.

Remember, there are occasions when you can get your people to do what you want immediately; there are nevertheless occasions when you need to nurture the conditions and wait for the right timing. Just like a farmer would have to till the soil, water the plant in order to see the harvest; as a leader, you have to nurture the trust, build the system, and wait for the right timing to act.

If you resort to position and authority to bulldoze things through and respect no laws of nature, you may still get things done, but not the best results. You could get the green, rather than the fruit. Only when you follow the laws of nature can your leadership flourish!

Congratulations – Cheryl Knupp

Congratulations to Cheryl Knupp, senior vice president of health services, for graduating from the National LeadingAge Leadership Academy at the annual meeting in Indianapolis. Her year long experience included personal and professional reflection, site visits to other aging services providers and an action learning project which you will hear more about in the coming month. Cheryl joins a network of 300 other academy alumni fellows within LeadingAge  association, two of which are Campus leaders.
