Beatitudes Community

Shout Out – Beatitudes at Home

Beatitudes at Home was recently thanked for the care and assistance they brought to a family’s parent. The family moved their parent to California to be closer to them but before they left they had to thank Deanna Thellmann (BAH) and Suzette Armijo (BAH) for all that their team had done. The staff really understand the challenges of Parkinson’s disease and are compassionate and very hard workers. We are so proud of the Beatitudes at Home team for all they do for the residents they serve. Great job Deanna and Suzette for cultivating such an amazing team.

Success Matters Welcomes Josephine Levy

Thank you for welcoming me to Beatitudes Campus – I am so happy to be here as the new Success Matters Resource Navigator, a position that will enable me to work with residents to find needed resources and answer questions. This is a new position that will develop under the guidance of Jessica Meyer, who is already a tremendous resource herself as well as a delightful colleague.

I first became interested in learning more about the aging process when I was a hospice volunteer. From that six-year experience I learned firsthand that we are all part of this great thing called living and dying, and that we are intimately tied to one another throughout this whirlwind of a journey. I also learned how to double-bag trash cans, haul laundry bags, and make a great grilled cheese sandwich.

At that time I was working as a high school guidance counselor; before that I taught English for nine years. Some people might wonder about the shift from working with adolescents to older adults, but I see it as a natural transition. Both younger people and older people are faced with issues of changing identity and growth. Both are subject to stereotyping and generalizations. It seemed to me that our society does not take the time to appreciate the subtleties of the aging process.

My academic interests culminated in a Master of Arts, Gerontology degree from USC. This exposed me to a wide range of social, political and biological issues that affect our lives. I completed the USC Andrus Gerontology Center’s Executive Certificate in Home Modification, as well as the Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) designation. I realized how much the physical living environment plays a key role in maintaining dignity and autonomy, and how we can alter it to suit our changing needs. Too often we assume the problem is within ourselves, when really, it is in the physical barriers we have created that surround us.

Most recently, I worked as the Managing Director of Tempe Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a volunteer-based nonprofit that provides resources to Tempe residents who are aging in place. My work in this capacity solidified my interest in providing resources to others that help make aging a more satisfying experience.

I’m a Phoenix native and although every summer I can’t believe I still live here, that seems to be the case. I have a husband, four cats and a dog who surround me with affection, joy and chores. I enjoy yoga, reading newspapers, watching Frasier reruns and desert landscaping. Again, thank you for welcoming me to Beatitudes Campus and I look forward to learning and growing along with you on our common journey.

Set Intentions, Not Resolutions

One of the last minute gifts I gave to our daughter Maddie this year is a bracelet with one word on it.  I was attracted to this website the week before Christmas because Chris Pan, founder of, is asking the world “What’s Your WORD?”  His mission is to be a catalyst for meaningful conversations and positive energy. Your WORD is something you want to have more of in your life or a challenge you want to overcome.  He says: “We believe there is purpose inside each of us and we want our efforts to encourage people to share more truth and inspiration with each other.  We are not a jewelry company – we are an intentions project. When you choose your word it is hand-stamped into a wearable bracelet or necklace as a daily reminder and conversation starter. Ok, I know this could easily be a gimmick, but the thing is I asked Maddie “What’s your WORD? and she said, “THRIVE.”  I asked “Why thrive?” and she said that she wants to thrive and not just survive.  That was a catalyst for a conversation and information about my daughter that I wouldn’t have known otherwise.  The WORD that I chose is “JOY” because it is meaningful in my life and my faith and has deep connections to my father who died years ago.  I asked my husband what his WORD was and he said he didn’t want a bracelet.  Ok, it’s not for everyone.  I am inspired to think of my WORD as my intention, not my resolution, as I go into this New Year.  One of the makers of the My Intent project posted this:  “Guess what, you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are and there is nothing “wrong” with you, nothing that needs fixing…what you can do is love yourself a little more a little deeper.  Surround yourself with people who inspire you and push yourself to be an expanded version of who you already are.  Do things that set your soul on fire and fill your heart with love.  Expand your mind, experience new things, connect on a deeper level with those around you.  So instead of creating a “resolution” or asking yourself what needs “fixing”….set an intention for what you are CREATING in the world and who you are committed to BEING.  Find what makes your light shine and do more of that. Shine brighter in the new year.”  May it be so.  What’s your WORD?

New Beginnings

At the start of a new calendar year, we are messaged all around about “new beginnings.”  I am seeing a host of media ads about mattresses, cars and furniture as retailers look to prop up the inevitable dips in sales following the business holiday season.  Then, of course there are dozens of (urgent!) weight loss commercials specifically geared to appeal to those who have overdone it through the holidays.

I look at “new beginnings” in my search engine and find that the terminology has been tapped by treatment centers, counseling and mental health services, adoption services, numerous religious organizations, a governmental office of personnel management, alternative education, a Kenyan soap opera, a series of novels about a guardian angel named Victoria Schwab…….. the list goes on and on and many of them very important.  So I am a bit reluctant to just crowd in what we are doing at Beatitudes Campus with everything else.  One, because I would rather it not be “lost in the crowd” and two, because we are really, literally beginning a new phase in the life of this fifty-plus year old campus with our physical updates, furthering our Radical Hospitality attitudes and programming at a resident-centric level like never before.

As we are learning from the ATLAS process (an organizational assessment program funded by the Virginia G. Piper Foundation) about which Michelle Just, our President and CEO wrote in this space some weeks ago, organizations have life cycles.  Only those with strong determination (aka “grit”, the subject of my last Roadrunner article) are able to keep at the top of their operating space and continue their mission in meaningful ways.  Absent the will to innovate, collaborate and research, companies can find themselves going the way of least resistance, continuing with methods that may need updating and not stretching to fund their depreciation or bring improvements to the marketplace.

This is but one of the reasons I am so happy to be a part of Beatitudes Campus.  We have made a conscious decision not to lapse into mediocrity, but rather to continue a process of “new beginnings” that strives for excellence in every aspect of the life plan community sector.  We have just finished our intensive Phase I of the First Impressions updates which has touched most campus buildings, and we have already seen some definitive results with those making decisions about making Beatitudes Campus their home.  Painting, floor coverings, furnishings and artwork have a rather profound impact on decision making in senior living often even above our superior care ratings in the licensed areas.  Our mission continues to be just as our founders envisioned…….to be leaders and innovators.  And we have definitely learned that First Impressions (an integral part of our Radical Hospitality program) is a foundational part of the equation, especially as we also envision the continuance of that mission into the redevelopment process.  The higher occupancies that result from attention to this part of the overall equation coupled with strong operations produces a position at which our lenders look far more favorably and which allows us to take next steps.

Now with the first part of the time sensitive program complete, during the remainder of the 2017 fiscal year, we will be continuing the First Impressions/Radical Hospitality process with not only completion of Phase II of the physical assets/décor plan but also with continued training for every member of our staff in the fundamentals of this important aspect of our culture.  (Phase III, the completion of the program, is slated for fiscal year 2018.)  So, our “new beginnings” is an evolutionary process in which we expect to involve staff and residents in the planning process for the next few years in not only our redevelopment for new areas, but also in the re-tooling and updates for our existing buildings.  I am so excited to work with the Residents Council and building representatives on what constitutes the best for each area.  We will be producing common area maps that will be very valuable tools that help keep décor assigned to an area in that location and how the room(s) are to be set following any necessary movement of furniture for an event or holiday season, among other deliverables.

Thanks again for the opportunity to be of service to this campus and it’s top notch residents.  You are an inspiration and joy – great days ahead!

The Informant – January 2017

DAVID RAGAN, Senior VP of Resident Services, called the first meeting of the New Year to order at 2:15PM. He noted that the campus continues to be one where residents reach out and care for each other. For the New Year, David had some new definitions which served to start the year off with a laugh. For example, the word balderdash is defined as a rapidly receding hairline, coffee is the person upon whom you cough, and abdicated is when you have lost all hope of a flat stomach.

Annual Eye Exams: A Smart Way to Identify Age-related Eye Diseases

Beatitudes Campus is happy to be working with Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Vision Care.  Come to January’s Town Hall to learn more about some special advantages for you through Vision Care.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), once you reach age 60, it’s important to have an eye exam every year. Checking your visual acuity isn’t the only reason to get your eyes examined. An eye exam can also help identify age-related conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other diseases.

What exactly are these common age-related eye diseases? The AAO defines them as:

  • Cataracts – Light rays travel into the eye through the pupil, pass through a clear lens and hit the retina. In an eye with a cataract, the lens gets cloudy and light scatters throughout the eye instead of hitting the retina. The clouding of the eye happens when proteins in the lens break down (typically after age 40). People usually start to have some clouding of their lenses over age 60.
  • Glaucoma – Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve.
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – AMD is a deterioration of the eye’s macula. The macula is a small area in the retina — the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. The macula is the part of the retina that is responsible for your central vision, allowing you to see fine details clearly.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy – Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease that occurs when blood vessels in the retina change. Sometimes these vessels swell and leak fluid or even close off completely. In other cases, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina.

Schedule Your Eye Exam – It is important that you schedule your annual eye exam. Your doctor will check for eye health as well as any prescription changes. You can schedule your eye exam by calling Vision Care at 602-358-0223 or visit* Located at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of AZ campus at 2444 W. Las Palmeritas Drive, just 2 miles and a free shuttle ride from Beatitudes Campus.

The Gate at the End of the Year

As the clamor of the holiday season has faded once more into hopefully happy memories of light and joy, we turn now and look to the future, as we step into the New Year of 2017.

There are many special days for us individually that cause us to pause and reflect on what has happened in our lives and what may be yet to come, but as we hang our new calendars on our walls, and try to remember to write 2017 in our checkbooks, we have a chance to collectively contemplate as we celebrate.

Looking back over 2016, we can remember both times of celebration and times of sadness and difficulty. Thinking firstly of celebrations, 2016 was the first year during which child mortality rates fell substantially across the globe. 2016 was also the year during which the nations of the world gathered together in Rio to celebrate their sporting achievements. Speaking of sporting achievements – the Chicago Cubs broke their 108 year dry spell by winning the World Series in Game 7!

Unfortunately as well as being able to reflect joyfully on these and many other events, during 2016 the world was repeatedly distressed by the continuing conflict in Syria with its resulting humanitarian crisis, as well as by the terrorist attacks in Orlando, Europe and the Middle East which, amongst many others around the world, have resulted in the loss of so many innocent lives.

As we step into 2017, we may ponder to ourselves what news the next twelve months will bring both in our own lives and in the wider world. Amid our wonder and our apprehension, perhaps we should greet 2017 with the words of this poem by M. L. Haskins in our hearts and minds:

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.”

May our New Year bring us closer to God, who walks beside us on our pilgrimage of life, and a Happy New Year to you all.

Plan Now to Make More Possible Tomorrow

Happy New Year to all of you – residents, staff, partners! This is the time of year when we are more mindful about reflecting on our life and our world. New Year’s reflections often remind us to do more of what works – the right things – and less of what doesn’t work.

We now have turned the page on 2016 and are ready to begin a new chapter. With a new year also comes new resolve to think about tomorrow today. What are we truly passionate about? How can we make a difference? How can we be better servant leaders? What organizations or causes do we care about to devote our personal resources of money, time and energy? The list of projects and endeavors we want to be involved in is probably long and varied, but making such a list will help us to think about where we want to place our energy and resources.

You – the residents, staff, family and friends – devote much time, talent and treasure to Beatitudes Campus, through your volunteering, leadership and charitable gifts to many of the campus initiatives, to programs and to the Resident Assistance Fund. I am humbled by your generosity. Thank you!

The start of a new year can also be a signal for us to begin to make plans for future charitable gifts. With a planned gift, you can create a lasting legacy of support and help the campus continue to provide excellent opportunities and services for generations to come. Every day, Beatitudes Campus, along with our residents and friends, are expanding the boundaries of what’s possible through programs that connect us through our mind, body and spirit. We support programs that exercise our minds as well as our bodies, and programs that help us to expand our campus into the community. One of the driving forces behind these programs is you. You make things possible today, and tomorrow, with planned charitable giving. Planning now makes more possible tomorrow.

There are many different types of planned giving options. You can help ensure the future of Beatitudes Campus programming and innovation in a way that works for you. Cash contributions are always appreciated, and there are other creative and flexible options that can benefit you and Beatitudes Campus. There are many ways to make a significant impact through a planned gift – you can consider making a gift that costs nothing in your lifetime through a charitable bequest under your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation. An easy way to include Beatitudes Campus in your estate plan is to name Beatitudes Campus Foundation as a beneficiary of your donor advised fund, retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy. Planned gifts can also give back—and can help you prepare for your future. They can provide income for you and your loved ones for life. They can also allow you to take income, gift and estate tax deductions and can provide favorable capital gains tax treatment. Planned gifts allow you to leave a legacy for future generations.

All people who have made a bequest or other type of planned gift are invited to join the Culver H. Nelson Founder’s Society at Beatitudes Campus. It’s our way of recognizing you and thanking you for your generosity and for ensuring the future success of Beatitudes Campus. If you have made such a gift, we want to know and recognize you, so please let me know. Throughout the next year, we will offer some workshops on gift planning to help you with your options. In the meantime, I’d love to talk to you. Of course, you will want to talk to your financial or tax adviser also. Feel free to stop by and talk with me about any kind of charitable giving. Please contact me in the Foundation Office (x16136 or stop by the South building – our office is next to Oasis Therapy).

So, let’s turn the page to our next chapter. Exciting possibilities await in 2017!