Beatitudes Community

Do You Have a Media Request? Who Is Your Liaison?

Please be aware, that all project requests for the Media Department (including media design, printing and copying requests) must now go through a staff liaison who will track the progress of your project on your behalf. All projects must be campus related unless otherwise discussed with your liaison. Projects will be subject to a two week due date unless there is a rush order approved by the Media Department.

Redevelopment Update: It’s Both Sites Now!

We are planning to have a second concrete contractor begin working on the 17th Drive site next week. You should see the sitework contractor moving dirt for the building pads this week. The framing will continue on Myrtle with the footings for Bldg #4 being poured on the 14th. The HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning), will begin installation the week of the 24th on building #5 which was the first pad poured and the building that is framed. The project remains within budget.

Dust control is in effect at all times on all sites.

We appreciate your enthusiasm, participation and support. If you have any additional questions and information, please contact Scott Mardian,

Come to the Quiet

Sometimes we don’t realize how noisy our world is until we escape to a place of quiet.  The Desert Mothers and Fathers believed that silence and quiet prevents us from being suffocated by our wordy and noisy world.  They believed that there is more to silence than not speaking; it is more than the absence of sound.  It is that space we create within, that portable cell, of rest and peace that can stay with us wherever we go.  Madeleine L’Engle wrote a book called A Circle of Quiet in which she described how every so often she needed out—away from all those people she loved most in the world in order to regain a sense of proportion.  Her special place was a small brook in a green glade, a circle of quiet: “I go to the brook because I get out of being, out of the essential.  If I sit for awhile, then my impatience, crossness, frustration, are indeed annihilated, and my sense of humor returns.”

Here on the campus we searched a long time for that circle of quiet, that place to gather thoughts and create that space to help us regain perspective.  Thanks to the inspiration and persistence of some of our residents, we created such a space but it remains yet undiscovered by many.  Irene Cool has helped shepherd the creation of our Quiet Place and I share with you her invitation to visit it.

“Come to the Quiet, Bring Thoughts That You Gather.  This is our Quiet Place at the east-side front of the Life Center and across from Ms. Kimberly’s office. It is there for you and me and all others to go to be still, away and alone or with another. It is there for us to pray, say or simply listen. Our room is there for us to rejoice, to sing, to weep but mostly to just be somewhere and away…from noise, from chatter…a free place to speculate or fret.  Fragrance fills the silence and helps to call on memories and allows our imaginations of happy times and remembrances of comforting places. Soft aromas can calm, purify our souls and heal our bodies.

The fountain of running water, a gentle mantra, assures us of the power of life…a continuum. A great purifier calms our anxieties.  Candles may be seen as a focal point for silence and we can increase our focus and concentration by simple candle gazing…to be mesmerized. The Himalayan salt lamp gives off a soft pink light which brings again the peace of the room to the soul.  So all of you who live here, caregivers and others…when you will sometime want a minute to rest…come to the quiet and find your peace.”

Helping Keep Aging Couples Together

One of the things that we are so often asked about by couples visiting Beatitudes Campus and considering their future is about what the future may look like as the years go by. About 70 percent of people over the age of 65 will need some type of long-term care during their lifetime, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). On average, women will need care for a longer period of time (3.7 years), compared to men (2.2 years), and 20 percent of those age 65 and older will need care for more than five years.

An active, healthy lifestyle can help protect your mind and body from disease and injury—which often leads to a need for long-term care. This is why we offer such a wide range of opportunities through the Life Enrichment department.Mike Smallwood and Jon Schilling are always eager to help you put together individual plans to support that healthy lifestyle. However, there are no guarantees in life and the question of whether—and how long—you or your spouse may need care remains unknown.

Since aging is an individual thing, a couple should not expect that both partners will have the same needs throughout retirement. As a couple ages, one partner may require assisted living or skilled nursing services, while the other partner remains able to live independently.

A continuing care retirement community (CCRC)/lifeplan community can help couples prepare for the challenges that an unknown future may offer. CCRCs provide a continuum of services—from independent living to nursing-home level health care—that is available if and when needed. I often hear Becky Black, our Director of Sales & Marketing, refer to it as “peace of mind” in your back pocket. If, after moving onto the campus, one spouse eventually needs a higher level of health care services, the couple can still be together here at Beatitudes.

Here is an example of how a lifeplan community such as Beatitudes Campus can meet the needs of both partners over time:

Jim and Jane move into an independent living apartment or patio home here at the campus. A few years later, Jane is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The couple continues to live together for a couple of years, but as Jane’s needs change, she moves into another section of the campus to receive additional care and support. Jim continues to enjoy the social benefits of living within the retirement community and can visit with Jane, who is just a short walk away, whenever he wants.

Those of you who are reading this article as residents – congratulations! You took one of the most significant steps you could in planning for your future. Those who are reading and still considering—our residency counselors can help you take a look at all of the variables and help you develop a plan. Couples who seek peace of mind in the face of uncertainty may want to consider a lifeplan community/CCRC as a viable retirement living choice to ensure that both partners will be taken care of now and in the future. And residents, don’t forget that you can be financially rewarded for sharing the good news with friends and family – your first successful referral will earn you $1,000 and the amounts go up from there. Stop by the sales center to get your referral form and begin earning!


Redevelopment Update

We expect the pour of ready-mix/concrete for the floor slabs for building one this Friday, the 31st.   The pour for the footings for the second building could be Monday the 3rd or Tuesday the 4th.  Moving back over to the dirt work for the 17th Drive buildings could begin Wednesday the 5th.

The work in the east drive/Boutique Blvd. near the dumpsters just north of the community garden should wrap up in the middle of this week.  There are driving restrictions while we tap into the water lines in the roadway.

Dust control is in effect at all times on all sites.

LeadingAge Arizona Volunteer of the Year—Leroy Calbom

To serve others, one must be able to connect and listen. To serve others, one must show compassion and humility. To serve others, one must have vision alongside determination and hard work. All of these characteristics distinguish Leroy’s service and involvement in projects within our campus community and in projects benefiting the greater community and neighbors living near Beatitudes Campus.

These were the opening words of our very own Leroy Calbom’s nomination for Volunteer of the Year Award. For those who know him, you know this is so true! It was my absolute honor to be the emcee of the LeadingAge Arizona Awards Luncheon on May 24th and present the well-deserved award to Leroy!

As a past employee and now a resident, Leroy wanted to know more about the neighborhood and how he and the campus community could serve them. Through the Studio, he encouraged other residents to join him in meeting with the City of Phoenix, the Phoenix Police Department, Department of Human Services, Area Agency on Aging and local neighborhood schools, churches and neighborhood associations to find out more. What emerged was that there were many intergenerational refugee families living within a short distance of the campus. When Leroy heard about this, he led a group of fellow residents and sprang into action. He met with the Mosaic Elder Refugee Program at the Area Agency on Aging, became a certified ELA (English Language Arts) instructor and persuaded his fellow residents and neighbors to join him. He persuaded me and other campus leaders to dedicate a room to hold ELA classes for refugee families, and further persuaded the campus leadership to use the campus bus to pick up refugees to bring them to class and take them back to their home. That’s the thing about Leroy – his quiet, unassuming demeanor is a powerful instrument of intentional leadership.

The ELA classes are embedded here at the campus. When Leroy was asked why he did this he responded with “Because they are us. Their story is our story. We are a nation of immigrants and immigrants are part of America’s founding story. Immigrants share the very values we hold dear – work hard, practice your faith, love your family and love this country.”

Please join the campus community on Wednesday, June 5th as we celebrate Leroy and his award during the monthly Town Hall meeting!

Living with Flexibility

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, internationally known author and speaker in the field of self-development, wrote a book called Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life—Living the Wisdom of the Tao in which he has written essays on the ancient wisdom of Lao-tzu.  The essay on the 22nd verse deals with “Living with Flexibility.”  Dyer says, “Having lived by the ocean for years, I’ve observed the beauty and majesty of the tall palm trees that grow at the water’s edge, often measuring 30 or 40 feet in height.  These stately giants are able to withstand the enormous pressure that hurricane-force winds bring as they blow at speeds up to 200 miles per hour.  Thousands of other trees in the huge storms’ paths are uprooted and destroyed, while the stately palms remain fixed in their rooted selves, proudly holding sway over their otherwise decimated domain.  So what is the palm trees’ secret to staying in one piece?  The answer is flexibility.  They bend almost down to the ground at times, and it’s that very ability that allows them to remain unbroken.”

Living without flexibility in the way we act and see the world leaves us at a disadvantage.  Trying to control everything never works out in the long run.  We all know people who are rigid and set in their ways who cannot bend or budge.  I imagine that each of us have times when we are that way ourselves.  The Tao suggests that nurturing flexibility helps us to withstand the storms of life and remain open to all possibilities.  If you imagine yourself as a tall, stately palm tree—the wisdom of the Tao would say: When criticism comes, listen.  When powerful forces push you in any direction, bow rather than fight, lean rather than break.  When you live from the perspective of being able to say, “I don’t know for certain, but I’m willing to listen,” you become a person whom others identify with because your flexibility lets them see that their point of view is welcome.  Let go of having to win an argument and being right by changing the atmosphere with a statement such as, “I’ve never considered that point of view.  Thank you for sharing your ideas with me.”  In this way you give everyone permission to relax their rigidity because you have no need to prove yourself or make others wrong.  Let us live the wisdom of the Tao by being flexible in the way we act and see the world.

Redevelopment Update

Please contact me if you have any questions about the construction of the new patio homes.  We have made several improvements based upon suggestions on landscaping, layout, lighting and appliances.

We expect the second pour for ready-mix/concrete for the footings and foundations Tuesday the 28th for the second building. The pours will begin at about 3:30AM.

The underground utility work is wrapping up.

We are working in the east drive/Boutique Blvd near the dumpsters just north of the community garden.  There are driving restrictions while we tap into the water lines in the roadway.

Dust control is in effect at all times on all sites.

Big Tech, Big Brother and a Bigger God

George Orwell’s novel, 1984, was so successful at creating an imagined yet potential future reality that seventy years later, one of its most famous phrases ‘Big Brother is watching you’, continues to be used when describing the potential for governments and business to use technology to intrude into our daily lives via technology. This past week, that phrase was used by many journalists writing about another breach of technological security. This time, the text messaging service WhatsApp had been hacked by people who had installed spyware, turning users’ cell phones into a surveillance system by activating its camera and microphone, tracking users movements and extracting information from messages that were sent. As Orwell envisioned, that potential in the hands of those seeking to cause harm or to control others has some very serious consequences and implications. If someone hacked my phone, I suspect the most interesting thing they would find would be my wife and I discussing our dinner plans, but the incident is another reminder of how much we value our privacy. Technology has created a double bind. It facilitates communication to an amazing degree. We can send a message to anyone, anywhere, anytime. But it seems to be coming with an increase in surveillance that makes private communication risky. What are we to do? Throw away the phone and return to sending letters with the Pony Express? I hope not. In Psalm 139, traditionally attributed to King David, we hear a half-complaint and half-rejoicing in the truth that he is unable to escape the omniscient God. ‘Where can I hide from your spirit?’ he asks. He answers his own question by saying that he can’t and that perhaps it doesn’t matter. He knows that God’s gaze not only penetrates the rock of the cave in which he hides, it sees into his very soul. God is able to read his life, decrypt it end to end. To use a modern idiom, David knows he has been soul-hacked. The idea of being soul-hacked would be appalling if the one knowing the secrets of our hearts was a malignant force out to mine the data of our lives and use the information for their own ends to crush and oppress us. But as the Psalmist goes on to say: ‘Your eyes have seen my unformed substance.’ ‘Created my inmost being.’ The God who cracks the encryption of our hearts, created that heart and gives us the code to open it. The One who is watching us, in this instance, is not against us but for us.

National Mental Health Month

May is National Mental Health Month, and it gives us an opportunity to address issues surrounding mental health and our community. One of the most common conditions that affects many of us at one time or another is depression.

Depression is more than ordinary sadness that comes and goes; although we sometimes use the word in a more casual sense, depression also manifests itself as more than a passing blue mood. Although depression is not an “expected” part of aging, it can accompany life changes that are common to the aging process, such as the death of a partner or friends, physical illness and other life changes.

It’s important to know that help is always available, whether you are feeling down for a day or find yourself in a more persistent state. While sometimes mood can be improved by taking a walk, listening to music, or talking with a friend, there may be times when more intervention is needed.

One group of local professionals is the Crisis Response Network. Available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, their trained counselors are there to listen. Your call is confidential, and they can help by problem solving with whatever situation you present. They are there with the “Hot Line” to help if you have thoughts of suicide, but also have a “Warm Line” if you just need to talk to someone confidentially. The Crisis Response Network Crisis Line can be reached at 602-222-9444.

You can also reach out to our Campus staff with whom you have a good rapport, or to those who have had the Mental Health First-Aid Training course. As the name suggests, the “first-aid” training helps staff evaluate whether you would benefit from a more involved professional intervention, and they may, in turn, suggest calling the Crisis Response Network. The Crisis Response Network can send a team of professionals your way, at no charge, to do a more detailed interview. There are no flashing lights or emergency vehicles, just two “plain clothes” mental health counselors. They may offer either in-patient or out-patient support groups, connected with behavioral health networks, to address more persistent needs. This process lets you be in charge of how much help you want, and when you want it. Whether your feelings of depression are temporary or long term, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the support that is available.

Campus Responders with Mental Health First-Aid Training:

Rev. Peggy Roberts, Sr. VP of Spiritual Life, x16109.

Rev. Andrew Moore, Associate Chaplain, x18481.

Josephine Levy, Success Matters Resource Navigator x16117.

Crisis Response Network Crisis Line (602) 222-9444.

Redevelopment Update: Sandpainting

We expect the second pour for ready-mix/concrete for the footings and foundations this week or early next week for the second building. The pours will begin at about 3:30AM. Additional notifications will follow when the work schedule is set.

The underground utility work is wrapping up.  The blue piping is for domestic water, the black piping is for fire lines, the green piping is for sewer, the gray piping is for electrical and the white piping is for sewer lines inside of the buildings.

We will be working on the east drive/Boutique Blvd. near the dumpsters just north of the community garden next week. There will be driving restrictions while we tap into the water lines in the roadway.

This week between the hours of 6AM and 3PM from Monday, May 20th—Friday, May 24th the northeast corner of the campus will be CLOSED to DRIVING TRAFFIC due to construction from 6AM to 3PM. PLEASE USE 17TH DRIVE ENTRANCE TO ACCESS THE WEST END OF CAMPUS as you will not be able to drive around.

RESIDENTS, PLEASE NOTE: YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO PARK ON THE EAST SIDE OF CAMPUS IN YOUR NORMAL PARKING SPOTS AS ASSIGNED during these times. Security will be directing and notifying those who enter off of Glendale Avenue of these restrictions.

Dust control is in effect at all times on all sites. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during times of construction traffic restrictions. For questions—please contact Scott Mardian, Sr. VP of Redevelopment, [email protected].

One Wild and Precious Life

Much-loved poet, Mary Oliver, died recently at her home in Florida at the age of 83. She lived for many years in Provincetown, Mass., with the love of her life, the photographer Molly Malone Cook. Oliver got a lot of her ideas for poems during long walks — a habit she developed as a kid growing up in rural Ohio. She wrote about one such walk in her poem “The Summer Day”:

Who made the world?

Who made the swan, and the black bear?

Who made the grasshopper?

This grasshopper, I mean-

the one who has flung herself out of the grass,

the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,

who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-

who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.

Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.

Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,

how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,

which is what I have been doing all day.

Tell me, what else should I have done?

Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

A friend of Oliver’s described her as “a visionary poet, and she’s also the quintessential tough old broad who finds traces of awe in, for example, scooping out the shining wet pink bladder of a codfish, or getting down on all fours with her dog out in the woods and, for an hour or so … see[ing] the world from the level of the grasses.”  What I particularly appreciate about Mary Oliver is that she knew the rewards of paying attention.  As Jesus encouraged, she seriously considered the lilies of the field how they grow. Her essay called “Staying Alive,” is about escaping from her difficult childhood into nature and literature.  Her work speaks directly to us as human beings in lines such as: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” In her poem, When Death Comes, she beautifully says, “When it’s over, I want to say all my life I was a bride married to amazement.” Writer Ruth Franklin says her work is infused with a deep spirituality. “The way she writes these poems that feel like prayers, she channels the voice of somebody who it seems might possibly have access to God. I think her work does give a sense of someone who is in tune with the deepest mysteries of the universe.”  As we move into the dog days of summer, I look forward to reading more of Mary Oliver.  What will you be reading?

Connect. Create. Contribute.

The Admin. for Community Living – a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – believes that when older adults and communities stay connected, everyone wins.

That’s why “Connect” is the first step of the three-part theme for Older Americans Month 2019: Connect, Create, Contribute. Celebrated every May, Older Americans Month is a catalyst for people of all ages to connect and participate in a larger conversation about aging in America — a conversation that grows in importance as the number of older Americans continues to increase. This theme helps remind us to connect with friends, family and services that support participation. It reminds us to create by engaging in activities that promote learning, health and personal enrichment. It reminds us also to contribute our time, talent and life experiences to benefit others.

At the beginning of 2000, 46 million Americans were older than age 60. By next year – 2020 – that number is expected to reach more than 77 million! Celebrating Older Americans Month is a good time for us to honor your contributions to our community. As volunteers, educators, mentors, advocates – you have offered your insight and experience in ways that benefit our Beatitudes community as well as the broader community. You have enriched our neighborhoods and communities through your work ethic and sacrifice to expand the promise of prosperity. Communities that encourage your contributions are stronger. With your engagement and support, we recognize that you play a key role in the vitality of Beatitudes Campus and in our lives.

We are honored that Phoenix Mayor, Kate Gallego, and Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey, proclaimed—at Beatitudes Campus Foundation’s request – that May 2019 would be celebrated as Older Americans Month. The White House also issued a proclamation for Older Americans Month, saying, in part, “Older Americans are treasured members of our communities.  They have poured their lives into our country in ways seen and unseen—often at great personal sacrifice.  During Older Americans Month, we honor these Americans, we remember their countless contributions, and we proudly renew our abiding commitment to their well-being.”

Beatitudes Campus is investing today to create a network of programs and amenities to inspire, support and empower you, our residents, as well as future residents to lead healthy, enriched and fulfilled lives. One way we are doing that is by connecting—connecting you with programs that are offered on campus, connecting you with one another and connecting you with us to help us discover new ideas.

Beatitudes Campus Foundation wants to connect with you! We will host a Foundation Open House on Wednesday, May 22, from 1:30 to 3PM, in the Agelink Lobby area. It will be an informal drop-in – drinks and treats provided! You can find out what the Foundation does and you can get to know the Foundation team – Barbara Wood, Linda Travis and Ray Gonzales. But, most importantly, we will be able to hear from you and hear about your ideas! We look forward to building connections with you.


Beatitudes Campus Town Hall

Prior to the Town Hall Meeting, a Celebration of Life was held to honor the memory of Rev. Dr. Culver “Bill” H. Nelson, D.D., LHD, the beloved founder of Beatitudes Campus. Michelle Just, President and CEO, Dosia Carlson and Leroy Calbom spoke of the outstanding leadership, vision and community service that exemplified Dr. Nelson’s life. The Life Center was filled with grateful residents honoring Dr. Nelson with their presence.

David Ragan, Sr. VP of Resident Services, welcomed residents and especially some residents who were attending a Town Hall for the first time. He noted that years ago, when he attended national meetings, Beatitudes Campus was the standard in residential care and Dr. Nelson’s leadership was legendary.

Michelle Just was delighted with Mayor Kate Gallego’s Proclamation stating that May, 2019 is Older Americans Month. The Proclamation explained that President Kennedy recognized seniors 60 years and older in 1963. Beatitudes Campus began in 1965 and was one of the first Senior Independent Living and Health Care Residences in the nation. Beatitudes Campus has served 17,000 older adults since its beginning. The watchwords for Older Americans Month are connect, create and contribute.

During the April 10th meeting, six of the eleven standing committees and three of the six building Senior Representatives reported. Of significant interest: Community Relations reported that the Campus is providing volunteers to Maryland School and five scholarships to Washington High School students; Health and Wellness conducted a seminar “Money Matters” in March, will be doing a workshop in April entitled “Ready, Set and Go”, and have planned a five part program “Behind the Curtain” in July and August; preparations are being made for the Earth Day “Protect” march and program, April 26th.

David Ragan announced that the new battery operated leaf blowers have been ordered and will soon be seen around campus. The gas powered blowers will still be used around the edges of the campus, but responding to the wishes of residents, battery operated blowers will be used in the other areas of the campus and are a worthwhile investment.

David introduced Zack Coronado from the Mobile Valley Physicians group which will be offering an on-site clinic here on Campus, beginning July 1st. Zack explained that the group was established three years ago in the East Valley. Through strategic growth, they now have over 1000 patients and are happy to have the opportunity to show residents the quality of services they provide. For the next 60 days, we will see Zack and his associates around campus explaining the process for registering for the clinic and how it will work. The group has contracts with over 60 insurance companies and can OK your insurance when you provide them with your insurance card. Whether you currently have a physician you are happy with or not, it is advisable to sign up for the Mobile Valley Physicians clinic so that you can use it if you are ill and cannot get an immediate appointment with your own doctor. Mary Rihani, a family nurse practitioner who is board certified in Adult-Gerontology, will be the attending physician in the clinic here on Campus. If you wish, Mary will visit you in your apartment to provide medical services. The Clinic will be located in the Plaza South building where Dr. Mawyer practiced. New patient registration forms for Mobile Valley Physicians can be picked up at the Welcome Center desk.

Gabi Holberg, Assistant Director of I.L., introduced Louis Molina from Unique Lab Services who will be offering blood lab services here on campus. Louis said that his group has contracts with Labcorp and Sonora Quest and is able to take all insurances. The lab will be open from 8:30—9:30AM on Wednesday mornings in the Recreation Center. Bring your lab orders and insurance card to the Clinic. Louis is willing to go to a resident’s apartment after 9:30AM to collect blood if a resident does not want to have it collected in the Recreation Center. Call 480-765-2677 for an in-home visit or for more information. As David quipped—“if you want a nice guy to stick it to you, Louis is the guy.”

Jessica Myer, Director of Success Matters, noted that May is Better Speech and Hearing Month. A handout on tips and tricks for improving your communication with hearing loss is available from the Success Matters office. Jessica said that Mark Pelkey is starting a Hearing Loss and Resource Group. If you are interested in joining this group, contact Mark at x15586. Josephine Levy, Resource Navigator for Success Matters, talked about the Tip of the Month: Living Will vs. Last Will and Testament. She explained that a Living Will is a health care document outlining your wishes for end of life care. A Last Will and Testament is a document that specifies what you want done with your assets (property). Residents should work with an attorney on this document and Josephine can assist you in finding an attorney.

Director of Life Enrichment, Jon Schilling, announced that Adi Muñoz will be the new CAREcorps Volunteer Coordinator and will be transitioning from the Welcome Center to her new position. Didi Cruz, Life Enrichment Specialist, provided residents with a list of the upcoming off campus events. They include a morning outing at the Desert Botanical Garden on Tuesday, May 14th at 9:00AM for a free self-guided tour; tour of the Prisma Printing Company on Friday, May 17th at 9:30AM. Call x12905 to reserve your seat on the bus for these tours and for the lunch outings on Friday, May 24th to IronWorks Restaurant. Didi also announced that the Gaming Connection Debut will take place on Wednesday morning, May 22nd at 10:00AM in the Life Center. For those who play games, this is your opportunity to understand how you will be able to connect with other residents who are playing the games you like to play. Don’t miss out on this awesome new amenity.

Fitness Specialist, Mike Smallwood, discussed a Silver Sneakers article on Sadness vs. Depression. When you are sad, you can usually trace the cause to something going on in your life or maybe a negative memory from the past. With depression, the negative feeling sticks around for a while, most of the day, every day, for weeks at a time. Five ways to start feeling better include, get moving through exercise, meditating, spending time outside in nature, fostering close relationships with friends and family and making daily lists of what you are grateful for. If you experience negative feelings for more than two to four weeks, it is time to talk to your doctor. Mike noted that the “Strictly Strength” class is meeting in the Fitness Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00AM. Morning and Midday Motions with Mike take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:30AM, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1PM in Plaza View on the 3rd floor. The Tai Chi Class with Carol-Ann is at 11:00AM on Tuesdays and 11:45AM on Thursdays in the Recreation Center. The Basketball Bounce Game meets every Monday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in Agelink 2. The lucky B-Fit winner for May is Farrell Kenimer.

David reminded residents that anyone utilizing Beatitudes Guest WiFi must use the new password which can be obtained from the Welcome Center. The new password is part of the WiFi hard-wired into resident apartments and does not require residents to make changes to their apartment WiFi. David also reminded residents that the Community Channel has been changed to 1-1. It is still the default when you turn on the TV. Residents may listen to upcoming events that are listed in the Roadrunner by dialing 19756 at any time.

Remember the Hootenanny occurs every Wednesday evening at 5:45PM in the Life Center. It’s free and a great place to bring your friends and enjoy the music. Also, Sundaes with Dave will be on May 15th from 2 to 4PM in the Plaza Bistro. Come enjoy a free yogurt Sundae and chat with David if you have thoughts to share. Again, many thanks to Gregory’s Fresh Market for their service to the Beatitudes and hundreds of people throughout the Valley. Best wishes for a happy and patriotic Memorial Day to all our residents.

The next Town Hall will be on June 5th at 2:00PM in the Life Center. Come and find out what is happening on our vibrant Campus!

The Songs We Are Called to Sing

Later this month, the parliament of Uganda is due to debate, and potentially pass, proposed laws designed to censor some of the country’s most prominent artists. The proposed regulations include vetting new songs, videos and film scripts prior to their release.  Musicians, producers, promoters, filmmakers and all other artists will also have to register with the government and obtain a license that can be revoked for a range of violations. Not surprisingly, the proposals have been condemned as an intrusion into artistic freedom, and interestingly, the proposed legislation has inadvertently sparked a global recognition of the actual influence of what they are seeking to restrict. It is nothing new for the arts to make those in positions of power and control feel uncomfortable, and yet the power of what is sung, and what we ourselves sing, is easily overlooked. It can give a voice to our deepest emotions – and it can help shape our whole approach to life. The Old Testament psalms reflect almost every human condition – anger, grief, despair, illness, desertion, betrayal, and often a deep desire to see justice done. But alongside the lament, we also find praise, thanksgiving and celebration. All life is seen in light of a God whose ways might be beyond our recognizing, but who is to be found even in the darkest of our days.

It was this ability to keep on singing about a liberating God which helped sustain many slave communities in this country during the evil of slavery. Their voices blended in harmony to reach out beyond the drudgery and the misery to a promised land ‘Way over Jordan’. The singing encouraged, motivated, and articulated an important truth which these people had grasped, and were eager to declare with robust passion. What song are we called to sing? Are we singing it, or have we been silenced into submission by those who would prefer not to hear? The Ugandan government might succeed for a while in controlling what’s to be sung. But the song of truth won’t be silenced forever. As Sam Cooke wrote; ‘There have been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long, but now I think I’m able to carry on. It’s been a long, a long time coming but I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will’. May we all find in God the words to our songs, and the strength to keep singing.